Hey everybody.  As most of you know, I will be spending
the summer traveling around to the four sites that I’m supervising to check up
on my staff and make sure that everything is going well.  Each time I hit
a new site, I thought I would write a blog to introduce you to our staff team
and tell you how you can be praying for them.  Here’s part 3, detailing
our Puerto Rico 2 site: Luquillo, Puerto Rico

Luquillo is almost totally different than our other Puerto Rico
site, Arecibo.  Although located only two
and a half hours apart, the culture, landscape, and even challenges facing the
people are very different.  It is much
smaller, boasting a population of only 20,000 or so inhabitants.  Additionally, it is a much bigger tourist
destination than Arecibo, with some famous beaches, as well as being nearby to
a famous “bio-bay” as well as El Yunque tropical rainforest.  Despite the natural beauty, Luquillo
struggles with violence, drugs, and poverty. 
Children grow up around these things every day and as a result, are
often extremely undisciplined and poorly behaved.   Our Puerto Rico 2 team is meeting these
needs by providing structured, loving attention to communicate to these kids
that God loves them and that they don’t have to be stuck in a life of drugs and
violence.  It’s a big task, but seeing
the change in some of the kids in just one week, there is no limit to what God
can do through them.


Bethany Eason, Project Leader


Bethany is the definition of quiet confidence.  She is a born leader and doesn’t waste her
words.  She has an incredible heart for
the Lord and for His people and it shows even in brief interactions with
her.  One of my favorite things about
Bethany is that I don’t have to worry about her.  She is more than capable to handle the
pressures and challenges of this very difficult job, and even more, she is more
than capable of handling them with grace. 
I have seen her in challenging situations and the fact that she always
handles things in an honoring respectful way is indicative of the amazing
leader and woman of God that she is. 
Bethany already knows that after this summer, she’ll be heading to
Uganda for at least a year.  I am so
grateful that she chose to spend this summer working with us and I am very confident
that God is going to teach her and give her things during this season that she’ll
need in the next one.


Natalia Tudela, Adventure Camp Leader


Natalia has one of the biggest hearts I’ve ever seen.  She is absolutely an optimist and it rubs off
on those around her.  It has been amazing
seeing her in the midst of chaotic children running around and yelling and
instead of losing her cool, you can just sense the love that she has for the
little ones around her.  Natalia’s
Spanish skills have been a big asset to the team and she has come to understand
this culture extremely quickly.  Natalia has such a joyful spirit and she has the ability to bring joy to people around her just by being who she is.  I’m so
excited to see the awesome ways that God grows her this summer.


Taylor Mills, Head Coach


It’s hard not to like Taylor immediately.  He has such a disarming smile and a peaceful
spirit that before you know it, you find yourself trusting him.  And he doesn’t let you down.  Taylor is a man of character and is
trustworthy.  His heart for worship is
big and is only getting bigger.  Taylor
can also create a fun situation out of almost nothing, which serves him well as
a head coach that has had to adapt to a very different age group of kids than
he thought he would have.  His
flexibility and willingness to grow are signs of his character that are inspiring
to behold.  I love talking soccer with
him and listening to his stories.  I
can’t wait to spend more time with this awesome man of God.


Tyler Childs, Service Coordinator


I love Tyler because, among many other reasons, he’s a bit of a
nerd.  We joke around a lot, but the fact
is that Tyler is extremely intelligent and he uses it in a way that benefits
those around him, rather than holding it over them.  Tyler is always willing to have a good
conversation and it is inspiring to me to see how he can cut through
differences in opinion, background, and culture and promote mutual respect and
honor.  It is a rare gift, and one that
he is going to learn to walk in much more confidently this summer and beyond. 
Tyler has sacrificed a lot to be in Puerto Rico this summer, and I am
absolutely confident that the Lord is going to reward that sacrifice.

So this is the team of radicals that God is using to change a violence-torn community with a history of heavy drug use.  And somehow, with our God on their side, I don’t think they are the underdogs.

Here’s how you can pray for them specifically: pray for rest and energy, for good organization to logistically manage a very busy summer (transportation is a challenge as well as scheduling), and for God’s spirit to show up and change the hearts of those in the community of Luquillo.

As always, thank you guys so much, your prayers make a difference!

Our Puerto Rico 1 and 2 Teams!