Hey guys,
I’m so sorry I haven’t written in so long, my computer broke in April and that’s made it hard to blog.  I figured I’d write you a little bit about our ministry in the Philippines in April to catch you up.
We worked at an orphanage called New Faith Family Children’s Home, which is located at Mount Moriah Camp in Malaybalay City on the island of Mindanao.  A large part of our ministry for the month was just playing with the kids and showing them the love and attention that they have been denied for most of their lives.  These kids were absolutely beautiful and amazing and I saw Jesus in their eyes every day.  The kids ranged from newborns to 14 years.  There were several babies who needed ’round the clock care, so our girls took shifts taking care of them 24 hours a day.
While the girls were taking care of the babies, the men did a couple of construction projects.  The main one involved the construction of a retaining wall to keep the gravel road from sliding down over the hill.
Dan carrying dirt for cement.  We mixed cement on the ground for about six hours a day.
After mixing, we would head out into town to do feedings.  We went to schools or orphanages around the area and did a Bible story, sang some songs, prayed, then served anywhere from 50 to 200 kids lunch.  It was quite an experience.
Robin and I at a feeding
Another cool ministry that we got to be a part of was in the local prison.  I got to go and do some preaching a couple of times, and another time we played basketball with the younger guys.  Dan and I preached to one cell block and at the end, around 20 guys accepted Christ or rededicated their lives to Him.  My good friends Jodi, Marissa, and Emily went to the jail every single day teaching the minors (many of whom are innocent, but stuck in prison until their trial can go to court) English.  Jodi fell in love so much that she plans to go back to try to get them out and into responsible lives.
Jodi, Emily, and the minors from prison
As you faithful readers know, I have grown a lot in the area of preaching this year and wanted to make a point to preach at least once during my time in the Philippines.  Low and behold, Pastor Larry – the pastor of the church based at Mount Moriah, asked our team to provide a preacher for the following Sunday.  I preached on Jeremiah chapter 18 and when I finished, Pastor Larry asked me to do a part two sermon the following week.  After preaching the second time a week later, when we were about to leave the Philippines, Pastor Larry called me up and presented me with a gift and thanked me for ministering.  It was such a humbling moment.  Pastor Larry is one of the most gentle and righteous men that I have met this year and to be thanked by him and receive a gift was almost more than I could bear.  This moment has gone down as one of my favorites of the Race.
Overall, the Philippines was a great month and one I will never forget.  Thanks for reading!  Cambodia update is next!!