We were asked to write a blog about how we felt before leaving on this mission trip. Here is what I’m expecting… 

1.  To get really sick at least once

2.  To eat crazy and disgusting food

3.  To make some incredible and life-long friends

4.  To be broken

5.  To become more dependent on God than I have ever dreamed of before

6.  To forget what it’s like to watch tv

7.  To experience Christ in a different cultural setting – to be able to separate my faith from my culture

8.  To learn more about the world

9.  To have my heart broken again for the poor

10.  To want to not come back

11.  To miss family and friends like crazy

12.  To wake up in the morning and forget what country I’m in

13.  To need Him more than food

14.  To lose my focus on myself

15.  To be way too cold and way too hot in the same day

16.  To learn to love living out of a single backpack

17.  To need nothing other than Him

18.  To be used by Him

19.  To see God’s glory and His power at work

20.  To get lost a lot

There are a lot more, but these were the first few that came to mind.  The main one though is just simply the word “abandon”.  I feel like I’m jumping off of a cliff into a fast rushing stream.  I’m abandoning all my stuff, people I know, the places I know, and even myself in a single bound, but I know it’ll be worth it.