Hey guys, just a quick
update so you all can know how to pray for me.  It we are now in Nairobi awaiting our flight to
Bangkok.  We will be in Thailand
for a squad debrief for a couple of days, then moving on.  We were originally supposed to be
heading to Vietnam next, but apparently, it’s pretty hot for our contact right
now and receiving 42 missionaries at once would not be safe. 


As a result, my team will
be flying out of Bangkok for the Philippines.  We’ll fly into Manila, but I don’t know where to after that,
so it should be interesting (as if the rest of the trip hasn’t been). 


After doing a month of
ministry in the Philippines, we’ll go to Cambodia for a month, then finish with
a month of MANistry in Thailand. 
MANistry is a World Race tradition in which the men and the women of the
squad separate for a month of ministry. 
It is a very exciting opportunity as I think the women will be doing
ministry in the infamous red light district of Bangkok, witnessing to
prostitutes in the bars.  I’m not
sure what the men will be doing yet, but I think it will probably be some kind
of manual labor.  Next, the whole
squad will return for final debrief in Bangkok, then we’ll board the long
flight back the USA.


So that’s the update on
how the rest of the Race should go if all goes according to plan (which is
extremely unlikely 😉  
).   Please keep me in
your prayers as I begin my last continent and hit the last three months of my
trip.  I love you all!  God bless you!



Here are a couple of pics from a few days ago when Geoff and I climbed a mountain in Morogoro.  Enjoy!