Hey guys!  Only two weeks left on the World Race for me, I can’t believe it!  I just wanted to drop a line with some prayer requests, because I need prayer big time right now!!
Here goes:
1.  Physical strength – we’re doing manual labor this month and it’s taking it’s toll, pray that God sustains me
2.  Future – surprise, surprise, I’m not really sure yet what I am going to do when I get back, pray for clarity
3.  Focus – pray that God would help me to remain focused on ministry until the end
4.  Emotional strength – I hear and read that “re-entry”, the process of returning the U.S. is an extremely taxing and confusing time emotionally.  Pray that the Lord would provide strength for me as I prepare to return home.  
Thank you so much for the prayers!!!!!

A shot of ministry this month