During the month of November my team and I had the opportunity to travel around the country of Nicaragua. We traveled from coast to coast and made stops in between. Nicaragua will forever now hold a special place in my heart. I am so thankful for all the people we were able to meet along the way.

The World Race continues to open my eyes and my heart to the beauty and innocence all around. To keep up with my journey remember to subscribe to my blog.


I couldn’t have asked for a more amazing group of thirty-eight people to travel the world with. Every single one of them brings something different, something amazing, and something our squad would be very different without. It’s hard to explain how you can become so close with people you have only known for a short time, but when God handpicks a group of people like this and allows us to share something so powerful, it just happens. 
But the way this program works is that we have to meet our financial deadlines in order to stay on the Race. there are still 8 of my squad-mates,including myself, that still need to reach this deadline. We have been allowed a grace period & I know with this extension the Lord will surely work through us.

Ada Kessler http://adakessler.theworldrace.org/  

Lindsey Heller http://lindseyheller.theworldrace.org

Brittany Neal http://brittanyneal.theworldrace.org/

Craig Bass http://craigbass.theworldrace.org/

Nicole Smith http://nicolesmith.theworldrace.org/

Keri Ann Reyes http://keriannreyes.theworldrace.org/

Brittany Gonzales http://brittanygonzales.theworldrace.org/

Ashley Ganahl http://ashleyganahl.theworldrace.org/

Will you please help keep our family together? Their blog links are written above. If you’re able and willing to help, will you please click on the links, go to “support me,” and follow the directions to make an online donation? All donations are tax-deductible. You can also help by praying that they will meet their deadline in time.
Thank you so much for your love and support! I’m excited to see what God will continue to do in and through all of us.