I told you that it was coming…Month 8 – Cambodia

Also wanted to tell you about the iSquad Day of Prayer.

We as a squad are passionate about a lot of things, and one of them is definitely prayer. So I’m here to announce that I Squad is going to be holding a DAY OF PRAYER. Yes, a day (all 24-hours of it) dedicated solely to praying. This coming Monday, June 22nd, we’ll start praying at 6 am and we’ll end on the 23rd at 6 am. And how can you at home be a part of such a day? I’ll tell you now. 

We’re inviting YOU to send us your prayer requests!

Your request doesn’t have to be something big, and it doesn’t even have to be for you—it can be for your family, your church, your friends, your coworkers, whatever you want. Even though we’re in Africa and you might be in America, I think this is a great opportunity to join as a body of Christ and intercede for each other. There’s power where 2 or more are gathered together in the name, and we as a squad want to invite you to be a part of that.

So! I would love, love, love if you would send me any prayer request that you might have. We’re going to share these requests as an entire squad, so if you want them to remain anonymous, just specify that. 

Here’s how to get them to me:

1)    You can email them to me at [email protected]

2)    You can leave a comment below and leave your name and a request!

3)    You can look me up on Facebook and message me your request there.

4)    You could also write them on a scrap of parchment and send an owl my way, but I probably won’t get it.

As a squad, we’d love to pray for you. Also, we’d love it even more if you would pray for us!!! 

As you may or may not know, I have had to fundraiser to get here.

It has been a long, hard road, but God provides, and I’m still in awe at how it all comes together. There are still some people on my squad of 36 that are not fully-funded and really need to be. The word “squadmates” might not mean a lot to most of you, but these people are amazing, they are family. They’re the ones who encourage me when I don’t want to go to ministry, who pray for me when I’m sick, who reach out to me when I’m hurting, who inspire me to go deeper with the Lord, and who push me to love people in ways I never thought possible.

We’re kingdom shakers, and though we only have less than 2 months left on this journey, these people need your help to continue this journey. Our squad is going to be praying for these people big time on the 22nd, but we want to invite you to pray for them as well. They need God to provide them the finances to fund this Race, and we’re going to be believing and praying that He will. You can check out my previous blog, Some people just don’t know when to quit…with the information of everyone who is still in need of funds!


As an entire squad, we thank you, and we’re ready to pray for you.

Let’s do this!