Thank You!!!

Thank you so much for your gracious support of my World Race mission trip. It is because of your prayers and donations that I am able to be on this journey. I am truly grateful to have you on this journey with me.

We are almost half way through the journey. It is so hard to believe that I took the step of faith leaving the states back in September. The days seem to last forever at times but the months fly by. So far I have visited 7 countries; Panama, Costa Rica, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Honduras, Malaysia, and currently in Thailand. Each country has provided their own amazing opportunities. I encourage you to continue to follow my blog AdaKessler.TheWorldRace.Org to see what the Lord is doing in the countries I visit & in my life.

Would you please consider sharing this blog with others that may be interested in joining in on the journey? Currently I have raised 71% of my necessary funds. I must still raise $4,640 by March 1st in order for me to continue on the World Race.

Thank you again for your continued support & encouragement & prayers!