For those of you who I may not know, or I forgot to include you on my list of Christmas cards (sorry) This is what you missed.

Amazing things are going on in my life and I would love you you to be apart of it all.


            I am writing you all to tell you about how God has been moving in my life. Currently, my life is quite comfortable. I have a stable job with good pay and benefits, I love my amazing family and friends, and I have God. I have been feeling like there is more for me, more that God would have me do. Lately, I feel God has been calling me to a change. He is telling me to step out of my comfort zone and into something new and challenging. I feel God is calling me on an adventure called the World Race. 


Show me the right path, O Lord; point out the road for me to follow.

Lead me by your truth and teach me, for you are the God who saves me.

All day long I put my hope in you.

Psalm 25:4-5


            Adventures in Missions (AIM) designed an 11-month Christian mission trip for ages 22-35 to serve 11 countries around the world called the World Race.  This is a year filled with discipleship, teamwork, simplicity and service as we work alongside local ministry partners to preach the Gospel, plant churches, love orphans, assist in manual labor, teach English, feed the hungry, and bring the Father’s hope and restoration to the nations. In September 2014 I will be leaving for this amazing adventure for eleven months visiting eleven countries. My route includes the following countries:


Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica,

Japan, Thailand, Cambodia, Laos,

Swaziland, Botswana, and South Africa


             I’m super excited and nervous about going out on the field for a year. My hope is to grow in my relationship with God, to learn more about what’s really going on in our world and to do all that God leads me to do to help better the lives of those around the world. I will face many challenges ahead, but as I prepare for this year, one of my greatest challenges will be financial support.  The World Race requires each “racer” to raise funds that cover ALL expenses like travel, food, lodging, and insurance for the 11 months.  In order to leave fully funded by September 2014, I will need $16,000.  As I take this leap of faith in trusting the Lord for His calling on my life, would you please prayerfully consider joining me by donating $100 or another amount? If 160 people donate $100 I would be fully funded.

            Please make checks or money orders payable to Adventures in Missions with “Appealed by Ada Kessler” in the memo box. Please mail the donation along with the included response card to:

Adventures in Missions

PO Box 742570

Atlanta, GA. 30374-2570

If you prefer to make a donation online using your credit or debit card you can visit my blog: and click on the “Support Me” link on the upper left side of the webpage; there will be a 3% processing fee for online donations. All donations made to AIM are tax deductible.

            Most importantly, I ask you for prayers! There is no possible way for me to go out into the world to share Jesus great name with the nations if I do not have an army behind me praying.

            You can keep up with my worldwide adventure through my blog at I encourage you to subscribe to my blog and share it with others. I would love to share more with you and answer any questions you may have; please contact me at [email protected].

            I cannot begin to thank you enough for taking the time to read this letter, and for your prayerful consideration of helping me reach this goal.


Merry Christmas and God Bless,

Ada Kessler


*Remember to check out the About Me section. I provided some fun facts about me and you can read how those in my life describe me.