Sooo let me tell you about my week.


Work was fine I even got to work some extra overtime so I am looking forward to my pay check. Extra money mean more into my savings! 🙂

Many of my squad member posted their 11 second introduction videos.  Let me tell you they are AWESOME! The videos got me really excited!! I can not wait to meet my iSquad family. We also shared our Instagram and snap chat accounts…Social Media over load lol

On Saturday, after work I went SHOPPING!! I picked up some more pieces of gear. 

REI:  Head lamp, Rain jacket, Air porter, Compression sack, 4 pack of Sporks

Target: Light zip up jacket, 2 pairs of head phones, compression bags, First Aid Kit Madness…(band aids, ibuprofen, tummy meds, anti itch, Neosporin, sleep aid, alcohol wipes, gauze, cold packs, motion meds)

On Sunday I helped a neighbor move out of their house & than got my car cleaned out…I had been driving around for over a month with boxes that my grandma gave me for the garage sale lol. I also got started on clearing out my room. I will be packing up my room before I leave so I wanted to get a start on it(I keep everything lol). I am going through deciding keep, trash, garage sale. Major thing I found was $38 when clearing out!!!!!

Ok so this was a big thing this week. Pretty sure I had a mild panic attack in my sleep. For the first time I had major worry and unease about this journey. I had a dream that I was at the airport with my squad ready to go, but realized I forgot my day pack somewhere I was able to get it but than I realized I forgot a few more items. As part of this dream I also only had $60 in my account, no way I could get by on that for 11 months. I woke up with a pounding heart and worry that I would not raise the funds that I would need and I would not be ready. 

Ever since I received my acceptance I never had this feeling. Have I been nervous about all the un knowns? Yes, but in an exciting can’t wait to see what God does way.

The devil was at work in that dream.

After speaking with a coworker and with God’s perfect timing our pastor provided a sermon just for me(well so it felt).

He spoke of John 6 and how Jesus feed the five thousand. Even when something seems impossible through God it can be done!

I have purchased all of my big pieces of gear and slowly but surly I will get all the little things.

I know there is still a long way to go and my 1st deadline of $3500 by 6/24 is quickly approaching, but I am confident that I will get there!




If interested in showing your support, would you please prayerfully consider joining me on this journey by donating $100 or another amount? All donations made to AIM are tax deductible. You can make a donation by choosing the Support Me button at the top of the page.


Most importantly, I ask you for prayers! Prayers for myself, for my teammates, and the nations that we will be visiting. There is no possible way for me to go out into the world to share Jesus’s love with the nations if I do not have an army behind me praying.


You can keep up with my worldwide adventure through my blog at I encourage you to subscribe to my blog and share it with others. I would love to share more with you and answer any questions you may have; please contact me at [email protected].


Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog as well as your continued support and prayers; it truly means a lot to me.

With   Love,
