The World Race has began!!!!
I would like to say THANK YOU to everyone that has provided me so much support so far. It was with you help that I am able to be on this journey. I wanted to provide you all a glimpse into my week so far on the race. It is quickly becoming obvious that going with the flow is a major thing for me. I have always been a person of schedule, but God keeps providing me moments showing me that I can’t keep rushing through. Sometimes we have to wait for our true calling.
Month 1 – Panama
******Day by Day ******
Day 1 : We stayed at a hostel called Luna’a Castle. The concierge & I are now good buds we talked almost everyday for a week in preparing for our squad to arrive. As a logistics leader it was a part of my responsibility to assist in arranging our first night in Panama and transportation from the airport to the hostel.
Day 2: Explore Panama City (Well, a little) Prayers in a Catholic church, local shopping, & coffee. We than had to rush to catch our bus to San Felix(about 7 hour trip).
Day 3: Hiked an hour and 1/2 up an mountain to visit a pastor and his family. We were able to help them prepare an area to garden in. The pastor himself fell from the top of his home recently and his wife is due any day now with their 6th child. He spoke to us and prayed for us (all in Spanish) though the communication was minimal it was nice to listen to him because he spoke with such passion.
We left right before the rain in efforts to cross part of the river before the rain started as it would make crossing much harder. As soon as we crossed the rain began to fall and it did not stop. As the water flowed through the trail we just walked right through it and went with the FLOW.
Once we got to the truck it was relieved that the keys were locked inside. As we took shelter to wait for the spare key we ended up being at a learning center for women. The secretary introduced us to a group of women there who were sewing native dresses. We found out that some of the women were Christians while others were not. A squad mate asked if we could speak to them and they let us have a few moments of their time to share with them the love of God. The secretary than spoke to our host and asked if they would come by her home to share with her more about God.
It was a day truly all about going with the flow. The 1st day of ministry set such a high expectation.
Although, I know now every day will be so fulfilling I am so grateful for this opportunity and my amazing Sista Fierce team
Day 4: We planned on helping in a class but that did not work out so we ended up playing with kids from the area; Playing tag, soccer, BINGO, and coloring with glitter of course.
Day 5: Day Off = Beach Day!!!!
Day 6: Church at the top of a mountain
Day 7: Breaking the land…I put my sledge hammer skills from crossfit to work while using a pick ax to break up the side of a mountain. We were helping a family around their home as the rain lately had been flooding their home. For sure got in a work out.
These were just a glimpse into the race so far and I can’t wait to share more with you all!!
You can keep up with my worldwide adventure through my blog at I encourage you to subscribe to my blog and share it with others. I would love to share more with you and answer any questions you may have; please contact me at [email protected].
As I take this leap of faith in trusting the Lord for His calling on my life, would you please prayerfully consider joining me by donating $100 or another amount? All donations made to AIM are tax deductible. You can make a donation by choosing the Support Me button at the top of the page.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read my blog as well as your continued support and prayers; it truly means a lot to me.
Much Love Ada