18 years old. I sat in the living room of my apartment. I felt God wanted me to ask him for a nation; a place that He would send me to in the future. But, I was skeptical. How would I hear Him? How could I be sure that I didn’t ‘think it up’? And wasn’t this kind of a big thing to ask Him about? But, I couldn’t get it out of my mind; I was supposed to ask. In a ‘what’s to lose’ mentality I asked, “God, what is a country that you want to send me to in the future?” As soon as the words escaped my lips I was bombarded by the word “Cambodia”. It wasn’t audible, but it just as well could’ve been. Out of nowhere this word loudly attacked my mind over and over; I couldn’t have another thought or even think of another country. And then in my mind’s eye I saw what was like a moving film. Girls. Lines of them. All in chains. And then as fast as it came it was over. I jumped on my laptop, googled “Cambodia”, a country I didn’t really remember hearing about before. It didn’t take but thirty seconds on the internet to see that this country runs rampant with sex trafficking. As one of the world’s poorest countries many struggle to survive. And because of this many families resort to selling their own daughters into child prostitution.

     For four years now I’ve seen these girls in chains in my mind. Now, I will get to see them.

     My team will spend our first month in Siem Reap, Cambodia. Education empowerment and employment are huge keys to breaking the cycle of poverty in this country. We will be teaching English on weekdays to the younger kids most of the day, and then to the older kids in the afternoon/evening. (Cambodia is a touristic destination. Knowing English can greatly increase chances of getting a job.)

   To be able to go I must reach $7,500 by August 22nd. I am only $1,700 away from this goal. Today is the last day for online donations to affect my August 22nd deadline. Checks can be over-nighted.
