Hey everyone my name is Anna Beth! A few things that I find important to know about me is first and fore-most, I’m a big fan of Jesus. Second, I’m not shy about it or really much honestly; and last but not least, I’m so thankful you visited this page and took a moment to look into my life.

I’m a Sophomore in college at the University of Alabama (Roll Tide) majoring in Addiction and Recovery and serve on a student ministry called “Press”. I personally feel called to evangelistic and rehabilitating missions outside of and within the United States and plan to work in Outreach for the rest of my life, until I retire and become an old cat lady. This purpose for my life became evident when I served on the prayer team at an event called “Giving Hope” for my home church. This event centered around providing Christmas needs for families who were not as fortunate. Giving Hope along with many divine appointments and some family history really broke my heart for those who need that helping hand to live their fullest life. Im very fortunate that I also find it very enjoyable, enough to consider it one of my favorite things next to time with people, my cat mushroom, and worship. 

A challenge for me that has been present since going all-in with God is insecurity. I often find myself concerned about a few steps down the road despite God’s promise of providing for me and call to focus on today alone. I’ve been very gifted with faith in sureness that God will care and be there for me but still hold on to my own ideas regarding my life at times. I believe his faithfulness to give me life to the fullest is one of the many lessons God has taught me just in the process of committing to the World Race. I had a set plan to finish undergrad, do ministry for a year, and then go to grad school but when God calls your name you can either walk or say “Here I Am”. In accordance with expectance regarding the World Race, I’m excited to understand completely laying down my flesh and beginning to walk in God’s purpose for me.