For the past 10 days I have been in Gainesville, Georgia at Training Camp for the World Race. My squad mate Jason described it best, “it was the most fun I never want to have again!” Over these 10 days I was poured into more than ever before. So I figured that for each day that I was at camp I will give you something that I learned either in a session, through a squad mentor, or just by living in community and I will give one not so serious/funny thing that I learned. It is impossible to put into one blog post even a fraction of what God taught me through Adventure’s in Missions over the week and a half, but I want to give you a glimpse into some of it. They pushed us to our limits and in that we were able to experience Him like never before. It was the most incredible experience I’ve had in life thus far. So, without further ado here is World Race Training Camp through my eyes.

Day 1: Abandonment gives God the space to work in a way that he’s never been able to before. We fill the gaps in our lives with unnecessary things, so when we abandon worldly possessions we open up space that God can fill.

  • Tents have NO sound resistance and you CAN hear that one person snoring ten tents over from you in the middle of the night.

Day 2: You can’t love others the way God calls you to without loving yourself first. You can’t give to others what you don’t already have yourself.

  • There is no disappointment quite like being served soup for breakfast.

Day 3: When you truly love someone, your grace meets them before your judgment. Grace does not keep a record of wrong. Our problems and flaws will never change God’s invitation.

  • Sometimes you just get really sleepy and fall asleep on concrete. When you fall asleep on concrete people take pictures of you. Own it!

Day 4: Pain and emotions are vehicles on the road to God. Sitting in your pain can bring you closer to God like nothing else can, so stop running from pain and go sit with God.

  • Anytime is dance party time. F squad just needs a good beat and some floor space and you’ve got yourself the most epic dance battle ever.

Day 5: After you are saved God no longer calls you a sinner, you are then a son or daughter! In Jesus our sins are erased and we have no condemnation.

  • Bathing out of a 5 gallon bucket or with baby wipes will not get you as clean as a real shower, but you stop smelling yourself after a few days.

Day 6: Female doesn’t mean weak! God is the definition of beauty and we are made in his image!

  • When the men aren’t on the camp grounds everywhere becomes your changing room.

Day 7: You are not defined by your sins. God does not label you, you do that. Stop doing that!

  • Sleeping in an eno at night with nothing but a few layers on WILL NOT work. You will wake up in the middle of the night freezing! Then you’ll have to sleep in a two person tent with three people. *shout out to Jen and Claudia*

Day 8: It is impossible to like everyone, but it is not impossible to love everyone.

After not having social media and television for 10 days EVERYTHING becomes entertaining. Anybody got another good story??

Day 9: People see God through the way you interact with your team. We are not called to go on mission trips to only spend a few hours a day ministering. We are really called to live life missionally.

  • Again, everything becomes entertaining. Taking ridiculous pictures is a great way to spend your free time.


Day 10: There is no shame in looking like a fool! It’s okay! Worship as if He was standing in the room.

  • You aren’t the only one leaving sweat on the chair, everyone else is just as gross as you are.

I hope that you enjoyed my recap of the week. Be on the lookout for some upcoming vlogs from the week on my Youtube Channel. I have a month before my next deadline is due and I need about $2,500 to meet it. Please consider partnering with me financially. I wouldn’t have been able to have the amazing God experience that was training camp without your support and I don’t want it to stop here. Again, thank you so much for everyone who made this a reality for me.