You know that feeling you get when you’re about to go swimming for the first time of the year? The water is always cold but the air is warm and you’ve been anticipating this season far too long. Summer is finally here and you can’t resist.
I’m not the type of person that can just ease in slowly. I have to jump in and embrace the cold water all at once.
Your toes are on the edge as you look ahead into the shocking and chilling impact of your near future.
You’re both slightly nervous, but very excited. You don’t ever know exactly what to expect in this tiny body of water. But you do anticipate a lot of joy after a little shock at first.
Finally you build up enough courage to take the leap and dive in.
This is the only way I can somewhat describe my feelings about the race. Today is the day. My feet are at the edge and I’m about to dive in. I don’t know what to expect and I’m not quite sure what I’m getting myself into. I’m both excited and nervous for the next 9 months of my life. I will experience some very challenging moments that will stretch me, teach me and grow me. I was created for this though. This trip is God’s will. And God’s will is good, so this trip is good. Leaving my home is good. Saying goodbye to my friends and family is good. Anything that occurs in this season of my life is good. Any pain or headache I feel is good. Any joy I experience is good. God is good all the time.
So my feet are at the edge.
No turning back now.
Here goes nothing.
Actually, here goes everything.
I’m diving in.