Hello Family & Friends of the USA!!

S-Squad has made it to Cambodia!

We have been here in Battambang for a week now and ministry is rolling.

I am the team leader for two teams – Team RAW & Team N’Sync

Their ministries are both teaching in local schools. They teach soccer, music, and english. 

Here in Cambodia our schedule is very busy. This is what a day in the life as a world racer looks like:


5:30am  Wake up & spend time with the Lord

6:30am  Breakfast (usually eggs or yogurt with granola)

7:00am  Squad devotions and prayers

7:30am  Ride our bikes to ministry

8:00am   Ministry (teaching children)

11:00am Ride our bikes home

11:30am Lunch (some type of vegetable dish)

12:30pm Squad devotion

1:15pm Ride our bikes back to ministry

1:30pm Ministry (teaching children)

4:30pm Ride our bikes back home

5:00pm Free Time – I’ve spent my free time working out, walking to buy coconuts (they will cut a small hole in the top and stick a straw in to drink the water. A coconut is only 60 cents each and IT’S SO GOOD), and hand washing my laundry. We’ve also discovered a public Zumba class in the park that my team LOVES to do with the locals after ministry.

6:30pm Dinner (tonight we had chicken curry with vegetables!!)

7:30pm Team Time – Each night we have a different team time activity. We have Worship nights, Team Devos, Storytelling, Feedback, and Free For All (usually a card game, movie night, or dance party)

9:30pm Bedtime (as soon as my body hits that sleeping pad I am asleep instantly)

Our days this month are FULL and I LOVE it! We wake up and hit the ground running!

I’m excited to see what the Lord has in store for us this month as our whole squad grows closer together and serves the community of Battambang!

Thank you to all who have supported me prayerfully and financially. Y’all have made it possible for me to be here and I couldn’t be more grateful!

I needed to raise $3,000 and there has been $2,623 worth of donations. I only need $377 to be fully funded!! THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO HAS SUPPORTED ME.


Thanks for being like Jesus and making these things possible. Y’all are awesome!


Peace & Blessings all the way from Cambodia!