During my first two weeks of the world race my lifestyle has taken a drastic change compared to pre race life. Things that seemed normal at home seem like amazing luxuries now and things that I would not even think of doing pre-race have become my new norms. So let’s talk a little bit about my new norms and how they have impacted me the past few weeks.

        Let’s hear it for the first new norm, sleeping pad life! Woot woot, rather it be in my tent or in a room packed with all my squad mates, my sleeping pad is always there to welcome me with open arms. Who knew that a bed and mattress would so quickly become a foreign concept and an unattainable luxury. While the first few nights I dreamed of being in an actual house, curled up in a nice warm bed, God quickly changed my mindset and gave me a grateful heart for all my blessings. Now one of my favorite things to do at night is climb into my nice warm tent, blow up my sleeping pad (it always deflates a little throughout the day) then curl up with my sleeping bag on my nice soft sleeping pad. It is so amazing to see all the unnecessary things I was blessed with growing up, things like not only a bed frame, but also a mattress and because I just always had it, I labeled it as a “need” not a “want,” but as of two weeks ago, a bed frame and mattress have officially become a “want” in my book. I could not be more grateful for God providing that want in my life the past 20 years and I am so thankful He has now provided my wonderful reliable sleeping pad to greet me each and every night.


        Next up, showers! For the first two weeks we got to experience bucket showers, which I explained in my last blog post and oh, man, those bucket showers hit different after a long sweaty day in the Georgia humidity. Pouring the first cup of cold water over my sweaty head was an indescribable feeling, It never failed to leave me refreshed and cooled down. Due to the forthcoming cold weather Adventures in Missions decided to bless us with container showers! Which are showers with running water built in containers on base and though we did dearly love the bucket showers, the rejoicing that happened when the new showers were announced was unmatched. Can you imagine that? A bunch of teenagers rejoicing and dancing around for showers with running water? If you would have told me a couple months ago the joy I would feel from being able to take an actual shower I wouldn’t have believed you. Coming from a very blessed family, a day never passed where I wasn’t able to get a nice warm shower, then dry off with a nice dry towel. Once again I am filled with so much gratefulness to God for blessing me my whole life with daily showers, THANKS GOD! Now going back to the shower subject, wanna hear another new norm? Of course you do! Shower conversations, yes you read that correctly. We take showers as a team, meaning all my teammates and I are getting our showers in the same place at the same time (separated by curtains). So, yes we all of course talk to each other, sing with each other and have “Alex appreciation time,” which is where we all praise and affirm our amazing teammate Alex, who makes us all feel so loved and appreciated, so we take advantage of our shower time to give her some of that love and appreciation back. This is probably my favorite new norm and not having my girls to talk to while I am in the shower will probably be one of the hardest things to transition back to post race. So for now I will savor every shower time I can get and continue to be so thankful for the amazing things God is blessing me with.


        Up next, hose water! For the past two weeks I have stayed hydrated off of purely lukewarm hose water. Mmm delicious, might never go back to ice water again… okay thats a lie, a nice glass of ice water with lime would be amazing right now, but that is just one of those cravings that will fade. So here’s to nice tall refreshing glasses of lukewarm hose water on hot summer days. 

        Next new norm, being in a constant conversation with my heavenly Father. I never would have thought that it could be so easy to get to know someone so quickly, much less get to know God so quickly. He’s God, why would He be interested in talking with me throughout the whole day? Why? I’ll freaking tell you why, because I am His beautiful beloved child, one that He has been actively seeking out for thousands of years. His daughter that He sent His own son to die on the cross for. Why, after Him pursuing me for so long would He not want to be in a constant conversation with me? That’s still so crazy for me to believe, the King of the universe wants to have an active conversation and relationship with me, whoa, isn’t that crazy? THANKS GOD! I am so excited about this new norm in my life and can’t wait to see the amazing things God is able to do through it. 

        Up next, morning devotions, this is probably my favorite part of the day and has become one of my favorite new norms. Every weekday morning after breakfast we get to sit down and have an hour to focus on God and really get into His word. My morning devotions normally starts with me just having a conversation with God, thanking Him for all the amazing things He has been doing in my life the past few weeks and asking Him to give me a joyful heart for the day and a clear mind to really listen and hear Him throughout the day. This is one of the things that has helped me so much with keeping a consistent conversation with Him throughout the past two weeks. Next I normally go into His word, I have been reading through the book of Isaiah, which has been such an amazing read. This is definitely one of the norms I plan to keep with me throughout my life, starting my day with God has really been able to set my attitude for the whole day. I am so grateful to God for giving me the desire and time to make that possible.


        I am so grateful for the new prospective I have been given and all the things I have been blessed with. I am also so grateful that God is giving me such an amazing opportunity to create new norms and set a new standard for the needs vs wants in my life. THANKS GOD!