Introducing… *drum roll* TEAM ZAO! (Greek) – “To live – active, blessed, and endless in the Kingdom of God”



Alex Hendrickson

This girl is awesome, she has the kindest heart you will ever know and is so intentional in how she loves us, she is truly a joy to be around. One of her favorite pastimes is doing handstands and oh boy, is she good at them. Fun fact about Alex, before we even came to Georgia she memorized everyone’s favorite color and birthday! Alex is from everywhere, from England to Texas she’s lived there and continuously brings a new point of view to the group from all her amazing experience. I am so excited to see all the radical things God has planned for her. 


Esther Collins

If I didn’t already have such an amazing mother I would probably let Esther adopt me, to call her the mom of the group is definitely an understatement. This girl loves so hard and sacrifices so much for our little family. If I had to describe Esther as a certain type of person, it would be as the woman that marries an older rich man, who then mysteriously dies and you always kind of wonder, did she kill her husband? As she’s galivanting around Europe. All jokes, I hope… Anyways, She comes to us from Dayton, Ohio and hopes to one day move to Kenya, I cannot wait to see how God moves in her in the coming years. 


Kate Pogue

Kate is the videographer of our team, she just doesn’t know it yet, but we’ll get there. She has already made two really cool videos about our life the past 4 weeks and hopefully has a lot more videos to come. Kate is from St. Louis, Missouri and brings the much needed granola vibes to our little family. She is my hiking and running buddy and I feel so lucky to have her around to support my running habits. This girl is so loving and wise, I love to hear her perspectives and ideas and I’m so excited to see how God uses her and matures her in the coming months. 


Grace Leuschner 

Grace, fondly known as Big Papa, is a light to our team, she brings so much laughter and entertainment to our small group and it is so appreciated. Her beauty and smiles radiate off of her and have the power to light up a room. She is from Texas and is the definition of a Texas girl, with the talents of horseback riding and taco folding under her belt. I can’t wait to see how God uses this girl to brighten His kingdom on earth. 


Hannah Gazan

Hannah is truly one of the most gorgeous ladies I’ve ever known, on the inside and on the out, she comes to us from Newton, Georgia. This girl is on fire for God and brings that awesome energy into every conversation she is a part of. She has a tattoo that says “I came, I saw, I loved” in Latin and she fully lives that tattoo out in her day to day life. I know God has some radical things planned for her and I cannot wait to be a part of them these next 9 months. 


Sophia Porter

This girl is the definition of a story teller, her rare talent for writing and telling stories about her life and conversations with God is unmatched. Sophia is from Colorado Springs and get this, her highschool had a rock climbing wall in it, isn’t that so cool? She also had a sword collection, that’s right, a collection of real swords! This girl is going to mature into an amazing writer and I can’t wait to be a part of the stories she’s able to tell about the amazing miracles God is doing. 

Abigail Kidd

Then there is me, Abi (aka AK47 as my squamates fondly call me) I am from Wichita, Kansas. My hope is to mature and grow in my relationship with God in the coming months and I cannot wait to meet my future self and get to know the amazing woman God is helping me to become.  



Zao leadership…


Kenz Meadows

Kenz is our squad leader and brings the energy and fun into our team, her jokes and sarcasm is unmatched. Kenz formally did 11n11 with the world race and is now going to be with us to lead and teach us for the whole 9 months and I cannot wait to get to know her better in the coming months. 


Regan Martin 

Regan (pronounced R-EGG-an) is our team leader, she formally did gap year with the world race and now is here to pour into us for the next 3 months in Georgia. This girl is a bride of Jesus Christ and is absolutely on fire about their relationship and conversations. She has such an open communication with the Holy Spirit and loves to spend quality time with Him. We are all going to miss her so much when she leaves us after the 3 months, but I cannot wait to see all the amazing things God has for her.  

That is my family for the next 9 months, I am so lucky to be blessed with such an amazing team of women to grow and mature with and I cannot wait to continue to grow closer to them all.