Hi friends! Thanks for taking a second to peek at my blog 🙂 If you don’t already know me, I’m a senior in high school who appreciates a creative mind and good music. I enjoy photographing the people/places I love, and traveling. I knew I wanted to travel long term after graduating but didn’t know how to go about it or which organization would be the best fit for me. When I found out about The World Race, I knew that was it. The world race is missions-based trip that that hits three different countries over the course of 9 months. I’ll be spending my time in the Philippines, The Balkans (a region in Europe), as well as South Africa. This is an opportunity for me to spend time out of the country while having the opportunity to love on people and show them Jesus at the same time. While I’m living in these countries I’ll be working with local orphanages, providing food for the people in the towns/villages where I will be living, building homes and helping supply other basic needs. I’m very excited to start this journey and am so thankful for all of you who are supporting me in any way.

If you would like to help financially, click the “support me” button above.