I know I’ve said it a hundred times, but the race was seriously the most amazing and life-changing experience of my life. I got to see and experience things that most people will never even dream of. I got to travel to 13 different countries, meet hundreds of new people, gain 34 new best friends, and see God working in ways I thought were only for crazy people. The entire year was such a high! Even the crappy moments were still pretty great. So now being “home” in the states is so freaking weird. It doesn’t really feel like home anymore. And maybe that’s because I’ve been constantly moving since I graduated high school, but I really don’t know where “home” is. I mean yes I have a house, but that’s not the same as a home…


So this past week our entire squad was able to come back together after a month of separation (the worst) at an event called “Project Searchlight”. It’s an event that Adventures in Mission hosts at the end of the World Race to give racers some follow-up and to be able to help launch them into the next season of their lives. The week was incredible! I got to hang out with my whole squad again and go to countless sessions on life after the race. I so needed it. While I was there, I attended a session that talked about community and how to do it after the race. In the talk, the speaker mentioned that your community is your home! WOW! That’s the truth. I know I’ve always heard that tacky quote that goes “home isn’t where you are, but it’s who your with”, but now I see how accurate that really is. This past week I felt loved. I felt challenged. I felt home. It was an awesome and simple revelation, but it smacked me in the face pretty hard. These 34 people I’ve done life with for the past year are my family. They know me in my most embarrassing moments! They know how to challenge me and love me in ways I didn’t know I needed. It’s weird how close we are and kind of unexplainable. So going forward, I realize how important it is to invest in the people around you, because they become your home.


So aside from my “home” realization, the main thing that I’ve been struggling with is what am I suppose to do now? Am I supposed to get a 9 to 5 job and settle down? Am I supposed to go back onto to the mission field? Am I supposed to live in Indiana? Florida? Costa Rica? But God I want to settle and get married and have kids, BUT I also want to be a missionary in a foreign country! I seriously considered every option I could think of. I made countless pros and cons lists. I was going crazy. But then… I went to Project Searchlight and was able to gain some clarity. I was able to chill out long enough to realize that no matter what I choose, God is going to use me. That no matter what I choose, it’s going to be okay!




What are my plans?

  • I’m moving back down to Orlando, FL! (like in February…) SURPRISE!
  • I’m going to live in an apartment with my best friend, Jill! (so freaking excited)
  • I’m going to get a job.
  • I’m going to join a church.
  • I’m going to build a community.
  • I’m going to attempt to be a real adult who has bills and pays them.
  • I’m going to be fine.


The Dream (as of today… subject to change)

  • Live in Orlando for a year, save some money, and learn how to adult.
  • After a year, move to Costa Rica!
  • Get a job in Costa Rica.
  • Partner with a ministry in Costa Rica.
    • Maybe Conexion ministry, maybe a sex-trafficking ministry, maybe a medical ministry, or maybe a hostel ministry.
  • MAYBE open up my own hostel… WHO KNOWS!!!


I’m not really sure why, but I feel like the Lord has really put Costa Rica on my heart since I went on my first mission trip there back in 2014, then again in 2015, and AGAIN in 2016! So with all that dreaming, I admit that I am terrified! I’m willingly going against the grain. I’m willingly admitting that I don’t want the “normal” American life. I don’t want the 9 to 5. I want to make a difference! I want to go after my dreams! I want to be obedient! I want to have no regrets!


But honestly I’m excited for what 2017 has for me. I’m excited to see how God is going to use me. I’m excited to learn and grow. I’m excited and ready to continue my race.


<< Once the wise Marissa Braden gave me a quote from some philosopher that went something like “no one is going to die your death, so why let anyone live your life?” >>


 (After reading this, I realize how all over the place it is, but oh well! Haha! These are my random thoughts and this is the best way I could get them out… Blogging is hard!)


Love you all! Thank you so much for reading this!

Cheers, Abigail Sheckells