I am almost to month 9 of the Race and I have been fighting to stay present as mind drifts to different things. It is hard being away from family and being away has shown me what my future life will be like but at the same time I know that I have a lot of growth to go through before I take the step to fully move away. However, each time I found myself crying, angry, and just sad God has shown himself more. I have heard many different opinions on God never giving you more than you can handle. Some have said he doesn’t and others have said that he does so that you can give it all over to him but the bible clearly states that we are not given more than we can handle. That we go through trials and struggles so that we can make it through with God walking alongside us so that when a person comes into our life who can gain something from our struggle we are the ones who can help lead them to Christ through what we experienced. Now if we don’t have God walking with us then it does turn into something we can’t handle, but we have a God who doesn’t leave unfinished work. He wants to see his children prosper. There have been times when I have felt like the world around me is crashing down. That the tears and pain that fill my heart overwhelm me but that is when we need to reach out the most for our father. I know without a shadow of doubt that all the restless nights sleep, all the pain, everything that I obsessed over is going to help someone. That I will conquer this pain because I have a father who has made me into his warrior. How He does not give me more than I can handle because I am called to help someone after who is struggling with the same issues so that I can point them to the one who healed me. Yes, it sucks being away from home and going through everything without them. How I want to be home so badly but I am leaning on God. This isn’t more than I can handle because each day I walk with God, leaning on him as my support system. No, I am not saying that you will just have one major struggle and after you walk through it with God you won’t have any more. We are made of flesh and we live in a world that is just that, but its how we continue to walk with Christ through those trials that determines if it will be too much for us to handle. I am ready to be home now but I still have work left here for me to do and the pain I feel won’t overcome me because of walking with my father who doesn’t give me too much to handle.