Does anyone else have a big family, especially with three brothers, two dogs, and two cats who all make huge messes? Well I do and even though i love them to death they know exactly how to get on my nerves. Every morning I wake up and walk downstairs to find dishes, clothes, and of course food everywhere. So i spend my morning cleaning up after them.

Once again I came down to a huge mess and I cleaned everything up and had my morning coffee at 11:00. I was very annoyed at my brothers for not picking up after themselves and I was also extremely stressed out about fundraising, and I remembered that I needed to work on my fundraising letter.

I go onto my account to see the different examples but instead it opened up to the donations page/ total amount raised. I did not really want to look at it because there is a long ways to go in reaching my goal but I felt God tell me to just look and see what happens. So I scroll down and see that my grand total was at $900. Tears started to fill my eyes and i kept refreshing the page to see if this was real, that I was about to reach my first $1000 and it was! I looked to see who it was that donated the money but the two people who donated to me did not put their names.

My whole week was completely turned around, all that stress melted away when I saw that. To the people that gave, thank you from the bottom of my heart. Each person that has given to me has boosted my hope in that it is possible to reach my goal, that all I need to do is trust in God and He will provide for me. 

Thank you to everyone that has given anything to my mission trip, whether it was money, words of hope and encouragement, or even a hug congratulating me, each thing means the world to me.

Love each and every one of you! Have an amazing New Years and keep thinking of the word God has for you for this year.