My name is Abigail Johanson. I’m 18 years old and come from of a family of six. Our house has always been filled with people and animals, especially since we’ve had a variety of dogs, cats, a guinea pig, a rabbit, and fish that have all been part of our family throughout the years. 

My family has had a deep love of missions and ministry going back many years and across generations, so having a passion to reach the nations for Christ is something that is simply a part of who I am. Since hearing about a couple of friends going on the World Race two years ago, I haven’t stopped thinking about the possibility of this being a journey God has called me on and asking for Him to show me His plan. 

This last summer, while at my church’s youth camp, I asked God to show me a vision or a sign to confirm what His plan was for my life following high school. On the third night at camp during worship, God showed me a picture of a little girl with a shaved head, dark skin, and shining white teeth, wearing a beautiful, colored dress. She came up to me, kissed my forehead and pulled me into a crowd of children to dance. God then spoke to me saying that I was called out into the world to serve Him. I knew I had His answer and came home ready to share my heart with my parents, then with their support, apply to go on the World Race Gap Year trip. That’s what has brought me to this place at this time.

My heart has been to show others God’s love and to serve Him in any ways that He asks of me, whether as part of FCA leadership and the FCA praise and worship team at my school or co-leading a house church for my peers, working with special needs students at my high school, teaching children about Jesus or just meeting a friend in need for a cup of coffee and a good talk. Going on the World Race Gap Year trip is just a continuation of what I’ve been doing in sharing my love for God with others. These upcoming months will simply find me walking with new friends in other continents as we journey together in discovering more about His amazing, sacrificial love.