“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

This verse has served as my life verse for the past couple of years, and I always thought it was telling me to go do crazy ridiculous things for the Kingdom, but on the morning that I was supposed to leave for the Race “strong and courageous” had a whole new meaning. 

That morning, the Lord was clearly telling me to make a hard decision. I had to chose whether I needed to stay or go. Honestly, this was something I had been wrestling with for a while but never really told anyone. I also knew what I needed to do, but it was a decision I was scared to make. One hour before I was supposed to leave for launch I realized that being outside of God’s will was not a place that I wanted to be in. So here I am. Not on the other side of the world. That morning, being strong and courageous meant swallowing my pride and staying whether people understood it or not. 

BUT don’t worry people, I’m not giving up on missions. I have decided to go on a Passport trip with AIM to Swaziland in January. This trip is for three months instead of nine, and I actually have a few months to really prepare myself for it, which is something I didn’t have before the Race. And to everyone who supported me financially: all the funds I raised for the Race are being transferred to the Passport trip! Although this decision really sucked to make, I know that I did the right thing and I am super excited about my time here and preparing for my next trip. Swaziland has a special place in my heart, since it is the place where I truely met Jesus for the first time two summers ago. 

I know this post was pretty short and sweet (I’m not a natural blogger), but I hope that y’all understand and are as excited as I am for all my new plans. And if you have any questions don’t hesitate to reach out! Thanks reading and supporting me and loving me.