I’ve lived in Hanover County my entire life, and stepping out, the farthest west I’ve been is Tenessee, the farthest east is Hatteras.   In the past two years the Lord has changed me, transformed me, resurrected me a hundred thousand times and ultimately made me uncomfortable with just conversation and has me itching towards broadening my world and putting my hands to more use than serving myself.  

Early spring I thought with a total lack of excitement or enthusiasm that I would be attending Virginia Commonwealth University in the fall, but some how I kept reading every single blog on here while thinking about doing more and now here I am writing one.  Some how I ended up (finally) deciding with abundant confidence and excitement that to serve with the World Race Gap Year would be the most involving, adventurous thing that I could do with a future I was unsure of. 

And I’m ecstatic. 


Love n light 
