I know it’s been awhile since I’ve posted a blog, but we are now less than ONE month from launching, so I figured that this would be a good time for an update and some encouragement!

The update on my travels to come must begin with gratitude. I am in absolute awe of the way the Lord has moved in so many hearts to help provide a way for me to get where He wants me. I simply can’t thank you enough for your prayers, your support, and your love. The process of support raising has not only humbled me, but also grown my confidence in the Lord! Seeing Him meet needs even through my discomfort and feelings of unworthiness has been so cool!

Beyond that, I realize that last time I wrote, I talked about my route changing and God’s faithfulness through it all. Well, I’m here again today to formally announce another route change! Due to the virus and travel restrictions, I will now be heading to Ecuador (and potentially Peru or Colombia) for the next three months, leaving in late January! And the message of last time still rings true – He is faithful!

Through the many changes of plans this year has brought into my life and the lives of pretty much everyone, I have learned so much about what Emmanuel, God with us, really means. We know that God is with us, right? We’ve been told that for years, especially every Christmas season and in every hardship. But, do we live in the freedom we’ve been offered because of it? Do we waste no opportunity or season to share the light of Jesus because it’s needed desperately everywhere?

Whether you are stuck working or doing school at home right now, when you’d rather be able to actually go to school or work, He is with you. If you’re not able to travel and visit all the people you’d like right now, He is with you. If you’re watching all your friends get engaged and have kids while you’re still single, He is with you. If you’re missing family that you usually spend the holidays with, He is with you. If you’re like me and were “supposed” to be in another country sharing the gospel right now, but instead sitting at home, He is with you. No matter where you are, He is with you.

You may know and understand this fully, but do you allow this truth to bring you hope? To give you fullness of joy? I know sometimes I don’t. I get bogged down with disappointment and heartache over the loss of not being where I want to or with who I want to. But friends, this truth doesn’t leave us in that place of hopelessness! This truth brings freedom that releases us from the despair of the circumstances of the world! 

Find a way to live in this freedom today. Wherever you are, be all there. Don’t waste this season of life wishing you were somewhere else with someone else. He is working in our waiting, so don’t lose heart, for He who has overcome the world is with you! And don’t just keep it for yourself, share it! People are craving something to give this time purpose, and the fact of the matter is that as Christians, we are always given the purpose of pointing people toward Christ!

What does this look like? Loving people like Jesus did. Going out of your way for the least and the last and the lost. Praying for people! Or even praying with them! Worshipping the Father in every circumstance. Sitting at His feet and learning more about Him. Having conversations that invite authenticity and welcome brokenness. Stirring your affections for Him every morning. Living with eternity on the forefront of your mind. 

I’m here for you and here with you in this. Praying that we would all grow in grace, set our hearts on things above, and make His name known. 

All my heart,
