HEY GUYS, I made it to Chiang Mai, Thailand about a week ago! We started our ministry on Monday, but I’ll update you guys more about that in the next couple of blogs. Down below is a link to my youtube account where I will be posting videos along this journey. I just uploaded one about our days of traveling. Go check it out if you want 🙂

But first I wanted to share something I learned before I got to Thailand. . . 

On Friday September 6 I flew from Sioux falls to Altanta saying my last goodbyes to my family and friends for the next 9 months. I would be in Atlanta for the next two where we did some final preparation for our journey. Within those two days someone had asked “What are you expecting God to do on this journey?” I thought to myself, I don’t want to have any expectations, out of fear of something not happen, then I’m left feeling let down. Then someone else said you can be expectant without having expectations. I really thought on that one for a moment and what that really meant.  

For me this means to have hope that God is working in you. So that both you and Jesus can pray and work at something you want to achieve, If that is what The Lord wants for you He will fulfill it and do what needs to funfold. I am expectant that our relationship will become deeper and known on another level. I am expectant that God will work through me to have more courage and boldness to reach people where I am and where I am not. I believe the Lord will do exactly what He has planned and I couldn’t be more excited.  

I encourage everyone to ask themselves this question: What are you expectant of God in this season?
