In the world today there has been such an emphasis on individuality. Some people want to be unique to make themselves stand out. As Christians we want to live differently than the rest of the world, we want to follow Jesus and live how he did, which is generally not what the world portrays. When we strive to live a life like Jesus many things get in the way of this: anger, hate, pride, judgment, money, greed, and shame. Our own flesh is constantly wanting to give in to sin and the temptations that the enemy wants for us.

1 Peter 2:11 “I appeal to you my friends, as strangers in this world! Do not give in to bodily passions, which are always at war against the soul.”

When we live differently there is a pool of endless possibilities that a life with Jesus Christ has to offer. We will find much more joy in our lives when we live to advance the kingdom of God. We will be led to places and things that our own flesh cannot do. Once we live differently and become a new person in Christ we will begin to feel his joy and love. And that joy and love will flow out of us and into others. The Lord knew that his true follower be would looked at as strangers to the rest of the world. He calls them to live and love recklessly, boldly, passionately, obediently, and courageously.  

Before I had Jesus in my life I was unhappy and confused. Now i’m still not always happy, but I know that the present isn’t my future. I’ve also learned so much about myself, how I am    supposed to live and act, and all the promises God has for me. I have been able to be more courageous and not be held back from fear. By following jesus I have become more generous, forgive and understanding towards others. Most of all it has brought me so much joy in knowing that the God that created me delights in me and truly knows me.

Luke 9:23 “For anyone who agrees to come with me has to let me lead”

By agreeing to follow Jesus you agree to let go of yourself and your needs. You become a part of something much greater than yourself. By letting the Lord control your life he will lead you to where he wants you as long as you continue to follow him obediently.

1 Peter 2:15-17 “For God wants you to silence the ignorant talk of foolish people by the good things you do. Live as free people; do not use your freedom to cover up any evil, but live as God’s slaves. Respect everyone, love your fellow-believer, and honor God.“