This past week, Morgan, Chessie, Cheree, and I went to camp!! We packed our day packs and stayed over night (what seemed far away) at the Pereval Youth Camp at a nearing hotel.

I went in not knowing what to expect. They asked us to be there to teach English and that’s all I thought we would be useful for.
When arriving we learned as best we could, each of the kids names but I just didn’t feel the need to try. Didn’t feel like I could connect with kids that don’t speak English or care that I was around. But after even being around for a day I soon realized that I could really get to know these kids. They were all so full of energy and eager to play. So we played! My team and I taught them duck duck goose, heads up 7up, do you love your neighbor, ships and sailors, and many more and they LOVED (most of) the games!!

Then teaching English looks different every time- but this time it looked a lot like conversation and games of mafia, haha! They were eager to perfect their sayings and learn all the new funny slang us girls had.
We luckily had an EXCELLENT translator: Kristina. She was one of the leaders at the camp that came to teach English and she was very well spoken. She always made me and my team felt heard and always made sure we were told exactly what was said. With the help of her she helped make the whole week sail so smoothly.

Alexei, our host for the week was so great. Although we couldn’t communicate without the help of a translator, he was still so willing to get to know us. He loved showing and seeing pictures of his life and ours. You could see his love for the lord and him pouring out a lot of what he had for the kids. He was a powerful servant of God.

Then we went on an excursion day. I am so thankful it turned out the way it did: we almost bailed but at the last minute confirmed that we were going. We knew we would be outside and since we are on the race we don’t necessarily have the warmest clothes… so i layered up 5 shirts and 2 jackets and mittens that mom packed for me (THANKS MOM). And WOW am I thankful we went!!! We drove a good two hours out to the Carpathian Mountains and walked to a water fall and then rode a ski lift and SAW SNOW!!!!!!!!!!

[side bar: I totally thought that I would not see snow this winter and I was actually very bummed. BUT the lord took me to the TOP of a mountain IN Ukraine and gave me a treat of his beauty. And dang was it miserably cold but SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!! The hot chocolate on the top was worth any cold, haha!]

But between the games and fun and English class I was all around thankful for this past week. I love camp and am so happy that I was able to go. Getting to connect with each kid differently was so special. Being around fun 13-15 year olds makes me feel right at home, haha!


Check my vlog out here to see a glimpse of what being at camp looked like!!!


Thank you all so much for your support in sending me this far. I could not be more satisfied with where I am: what’s greater than being obedient to the Lord and going when he says go!!!

Thank you for helping me chase after the dreams he is giving me.