So update on my AWESOME squad:

My team and I traveled from Uzhhorod, Ukraine to Lviv, Ukraine to meet up with everyone a day prior to leaving for our next country. We had a great time reconnecting with the whole squad and enjoying the beautiful city, as well as seeking rest. It was great sharing stories about ministry, funny moments, and ways we managed to hurt ourselves, haha!

After two sleeps in Lviv, we woke up ?at 2:30 am? ish ?on Wednesday morning? to leave for CHILE! So we packed up and headed to the airport (this is always super interesting as we have 40 People and 40 People sized packs). We took a bus and filled the trunk and the whole isle full of packs. Then after not so long we made it to the airport. We then sat for a while till we boarded our first flight to Kiev, Ukraine. Then we had an 11 hour layover where we sought out food and lots of sleep. I ended up grabbing my headphones and pillow and crashing under the tepee of chairs on the cold ground- but lemme say that was a good nap!

Then we flew less than 2 hours to Istanbul, Turkey and ran through the airport finding bathrooms and our connecting gate since we had such a short layover. Then we got on our 14 hour flight to Columbia. Man on man. Those 14 hours. That was my second one I’ve done before and they don’t get easier it feels like. Luckily we flew Turkish Air which had some good food so I was pretty set, haha. Then after climbing over Gabby maybe 7 ish times to take laps around the airplane or use the bathroom when I didn’t need to, we finally landed. We were so ready to be on the ground, haha.

Then I grabbed a pretty freaking awesome cheese burger and a Dunkin’ Donuts (PRAISE) donut, and we had our final flight: a 6 hour from Columbia to Santiago, Chile. We were all pretty wiped when it got to the final hour of being in the air. 2 or three days of full travel is a serious drain.

So then we grabbed our bags, went through customs, grabbed a bus and headed to Los Andes for LDW!! We arrive and suit up with our packs and walk a mile ish to a clinic that we were gonna stay at that week (finally used my sleeping pad, here we go!!)

What’s LDW? Yeah I had no idea what that was a week ago either, haha!

But! LDW is leadership development weekend and MAN OH MAN. I was going in with honestly a pretty bad attitude and just wanting to find rest after traveling for so long. But what I didn’t know is how much LDW would refill me.

I’m beaming as I write this because I’m so stinkin proud of my squad. Our leaders asked specific people to take on roles to teach and pour into each of us. I was pretty curious to see how this worked but DANG was it great seeing how each person used God’s gift.

We had AWESOME teachings from Elizabeth saying how to be friends with the Lord, Colby speaking in the disciple of reading scripture, Bernadette speaking on seeing the Lord in visions and pictures, Lexi and Claire leading us in art to glorify Him, Chessie and Connor leading bible studies that left our minds racing after truths, even our squad leaders leading nightly talks that wrecked us in the BEST ways, and all the way to everyone that participated in prophetic rooms (this was my role this weekend).

So my role this weekend was to be in a prophecy room. Okay, so I have NEVER experienced or seen or honestly ever heard of this kind of thing before training camp. At camp, we kinda did this where our team gave words to one another and after doing that at camp I was FIRED up and love hearing the Lord. I really felt connected but after that it faded. Then when Amie Beth asked me to give words to People in rooms I knew I had to say yes but was very nervous about it, how was i gonna heard the Lord? I’m not good at that.
As I prepared, I just asked for wisdom and for these words to be His and not mine. And dang y’all, I felt some good things come through to People (we were leading our room for an hour ish and People came in every ten minutes). I was with Cheree, Emma, and Emily. They are great. And I knew everything was His words because someone asked me to repeat what I said a while after and i straight was like i do not remember, at all, haha. So there you go folks, God is cool

From sleeping on the floor, and crying my eyes out at Masons talk, to getting mango spit at me when ?Jenna Rose? laughs… I would say that this weekend was full of the Lord and rest.

I am PUMPED to continue this race and hit Chile hard! This country is already taking my breath every moment. The mountains line the distance and touch the baby blue clear sky. I am stupid happy about the warm weather. Thank you thank you Lord!

I could also still use your help: i am finding the power in prayer. Dang the Lord listens and He answers when you knock!! So i would LOVE if you partnered with my through prayer support. I could use prayer in my confidence in hearing His voice, my ability to open up and get deep with the people around me, and just positive attitude- there is always a brighter side to every situation!
Also i could use help with financial support- i am still a little over $1,000 away! YOU have helped me grow so much closer to my goal and I’m so close I can see the end!
I am so so grateful for the support and generosity i have received from y’all. It means so much to me and I’m loving bringing the kingdom to the people all around the world! I would love if you helped me be able to continue this World Race by helping me push to the end!