Hi my name is Abby Moore and I have FOMO (fear of missing out). FOMO has been the deciding factor for me too times in my life. Many times I have stayed out later than I should have, or missed out on the actual better choice in complete fear that I will miss out on some crazy-awesome-magical-one-in-a-million-moment that will never in entirety happen again.

As I stick with my choice of the World Race, I get more nervous every day about my decision. What if I’ll miss out? I think about how all my friends will be starting a new year in a new place making new friends while I won’t be there to experience it with them. I’ll be seeing them rush then be in a sorority and get cute new t shirts and knickknacks, decorate their dorms with their new cool roommates, and go for late night Waffle House. All this will happen while I’m in another country that won’t quite feel like home. Especially as my launch grows closer I have so many fears of regret. What if I am not supposed to do this? Should I follow the social norm and just go to college? I’ll end being happy.. I’ll just take classes and find some friends and just have the normal college experience everyone talks about. 

As I pester myself these questions constantly throughout the day I have to remember that I am doing this because God called me to and then I remember the feelings I felt when I first found out about the World Race. I think back to watching the promo videos and looking at my mom who was crying saying that this is what she sees me doing. I remember how it felt getting my acceptance call in the chip isle of Publix Supermarket before my 18th birthday party. I felt so accomplished, I felt a deep feeling of “this is what I am called to do,” this is finally that feeling every one has been talking about!! The smile I had after that call melted all my fears and doubts. 

I’m not saying I’m not going to college. I have worked my whole high school to take me to my dream school. It just isn’t the right time just yet. So as I am on my World Race, I am hoping that I will be able to find the answer to the next chapter of my life. This will then push my through school so I can then go out and serve the Lord in a different way that will hopefully be my career. 

I shall not let FOMO rule my life!!! I will now trust in the Lord and know that this is what I am to do and I am going to love it so much. I could not be more excited to meet my team and see the world! I pray that I let the Lord take control of my life and I let Him lead me to the right things and give me the peace inside that I am not actually missing out. 


What is the World Race: Gap Year?

The World Race: Gap Year is a nine month missions trip going to Five different countries. I chose a route that is going to Romania, Ukraine, Chile, Peru, and India. We will be traveling to these countries and loving on people just like Jesus did! We will be learning and sharing the gospel in such depth as we get to travel and experience life changing events. I will be leaving in September 2017 and returning May 2018 without coming home.

To clear up some confusion that is present, this is not am actually race (running is hard) and it’s not like the Amazing Race, the TV show, haha. I’m just going out in the world with other teenagers that college thought college wasn’t the next step and have a passion for spreading the word of the Lord to others! 


Want to help out?

I would LOVE for your help either through financial support, donations of backpacking gear, or simple prayer support. As you can see I have to raise a little under $15,000. I could really use your support, any amount helps so much. Just click the orange “donate” button on my home page at abbymoore.theworldrace.org! I will be backpacking the whole time so I would love your words of wisdom! Please give me advice, do’s and don’t’s, or preferences on gear. If you could keep me in your prayers for confidence (as you can tell from this blog I have many fears haha) and peace.


Thank you so much for your support, even you reading this far down the page means a lot to me, you rock!