Dear home,

Wow. See you in a short, sweet few days.

How can the race be over already?

Thank you World Race for:
– some of my bestest friends
– Teaching me the love of the lord
– Showing me the world
– Helping me learn to love strangers
– Giving me some unforgettable memories

It’s crazy to think that one of the craziest things I’ve done in my last If officially over. I’ve left home for nine months, lived in 11 countries, and shared the gospel to all sorts of people.

I’m so thankful for this past nine months teaching me way more than sitting in a classroom would. I was out here living it!!

To anyone out there reading this blog: go. do it. it was awesome.

To everyone that helped send me on this: I WOULDN’T BE HERE WITHOUT YOU. THANK YOU SO MUCH! thank you for the prayers. Thank you for the donations. Thank you for listening or reading. Having support of any kind has made me so happy and confident.

I cannot wait to get home and squeeze the people I love. But I know I will miss these places and these people. So I’m content and letting time go as it comes. Being thankful for every moment. Good and bad. Happy and sad. Feeling every emotion.

God is good. I’m thankful to have build a relationship with Him that I can share with EVERYONE.

Thanks World Race 🙂