In college, I had a friend tell me about an 11 month mission trip she was applying to go on that traveled to different places around the world to share the gospel with the nations. She talked about the trip requiring backpacking through different countries, ministering to all sorts of people, and seeing God in a new way. The more I heard about the trip, the more I began to daydream about the courage and strength to serve in such a way. The adventurer inside me thought it was the coolest idea ever to travel the world with Jesus, while the introverted inside of me thought it was the craziest idea ever to go outside of my skill level and comfort zone. Naturally, I eventually put the insane thought on the back burner and went back to ‘reality’. My last semester of college came around, however, and I had no clue what I was going to do post graduation. I already worked part time at my dream job, but God (and my mother) kept pushing me to move on to something else. I prayed and prayed and prayed for my next step, but the answer I got was “Wait.” When I pestered God some more, He said “Wait.” Finally, after I had come within a few weeks of graduation I felt like God had told me to wait until the end of summer for my next step. I was reluctant to do so, but God made me wait anyways while I continued to pray and look for what my next step could be. In my prayers, I continually asked for more of God, more Kindgom work, more faith, and just more of everything that God would have for me. (Side note: be careful what you ask for.)

As the summer after graduation went on and I had found a second job, I began to feel the itch for more increase. The World Race came to mind over and over again as I tried to answer the question of “If I could go all out for Jesus, what would I do?”. Eventually I began researching the race and reaching out for more information on it. Someone from their offices contacted me to give me information. Apparently, I had visited their website a lot and was added to their email and phone call listing.  I realized in that phone call with the worker that God was at work and that I wanted to do the Race. A problem came up though: I was terrified to actually act on my feelings! My friend from college was on her adventure on the Race so I contacted her to ask questions that could give me a feel for whether or not the Race was something God was seriously putting in my path. We ended up being able to talk on the phone for an hour where she expressed every feeling and thought I had in her own experience. I was so taken back by how God was speaking through her and the World Race worker that I felt God really break me down for surrendering. He pointed out my desires, and that what I was asking for He was wanting to answer through the Race. I then called my boss who I consider to be an incredible spiritual leader to ask him what he thought about the doors I was beginning to feel God open for the race. A third time God used the same words, guidance, and prayers to break down the last bit of reservation that I had about taking the step of faith to surrender and be obedient.

The understatement of the year is that I cried a lot once I made the commitment to apply for the World Race. Not because I am super spiritual or anything, but because the song Oceans came on afterwards and it felt like God was like “You asked for it.” I knew God was giving me exactly what I asked for and it terrified me to actually take the steps. Fastforward a bit, and here I am. I applied, interviewed, and accepted to go on the World Race. I have a year before I leave in August of 2018 to prepare for the physical, mental and spiritual fight that I am going to face. Im terrified, yet excited beyond measure for what God’s goodness has in store. 

As my exciting journey begins, please be praying for me and the team I will get to be a part of. The countries we will be going to are Haiti, Dominican Republi, South Africa, Botswana, Zambia, India, Nepal, Romania, Albania, Macedonia, and Serbia. There are many obstacles ahead, but God has provided the resources and people needed to grow His kingdom. Thanks for reading my first blog, and by doing so joining me on the incredible journey!