Some times it feels like I am never going to finish things on time. There is a to-do list that is consistently over a mile long, and it seems to stay that way no matter how many items I check off. When one step is done another two appear to take it’s place. I’ve been driven crazy trying to accomplish all that I feel needs to be accomplished. In the end, I feel like I’ve fail to do what I set out to do most days. Trying to balance two jobs, family, friends, life’s maintenances, and the World Race is head-spinning.
I often feel overwhelmed and multitasking does not always turn out as planned. In order to have one area of my life in a healthy place it seems that another part of my life has to suffer for it. I don’t know if that’s a life rule of thumb or what, but there seems to be a general principle that if I say ‘yes’ to one thing I am saying ‘no’ to another. The way I spend my time comes down to making a lot of choices and sacrifices on what takes priority. What is peculiar about it all is that what takes priority seems to change on a day to day bases (and occasionally on an hour to hour bases). Some days one job takes priority over the other, and I have to trust that I am still being a good employee at both jobs. Other days I have to prioritize alone time over spending time with friends, and trust that I am still a caring friend. Other days I have to prioritize taking a sanity break over going grocery shopping or getting my car maintenance, and still trust that I will get it done before it’s too late. These choices are usually between two good things, which make it even harder to choose, but I’ve learned the hard way that nothing will be accomplished at all if I am try to play Wonder Woman with my chores. I have had to learn to take things one day at a time. Whatever does not get done today will still be there to do tomorrow (this a blessing and a curse).
I’m learning when to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’, as well as what to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ to. Most of the time I do not know what takes priority until the time comes to choose between two things. The best I’ve been able to do is just pray, pray, pray that I am prioritizing the right things. Recently, I wrote down everything that I do during my day to see what I waste my time doing. Almost everything on my list was something positive and productive, but I was stretching myself thin. Even good things can be a distraction from what God is doing.
I have been having to pray through my schedule to see what God wants me to be working on, and what distractions God is asking me to put on the shelf for now. It’s not easy prioritizing things, but it makes a difference in my effectiveness. It also helps me to see where my heart is at. There are some verses that God has so graciously reminded me of during this time of reflecting:
Ecclesiastes 3:1 says “There is an occasion for everything. And a time for every activity under heaven.” God will bring about things at the right time (aka His time). He is the man with the plan and the purpose, I need to remember that.
Matthew 6:34 states “Therefore, don’t worry about tomorrow, because tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” I don’t have to try to be Wonder Woman who is prepared for tomorrow’s battles. With God, I can take things one day at a time, and on some day take things one breath at a time.
Jeremiah 29:11 “For I know the plans I have for you’- This is the Lord’s declaration- ‘plans for your welfare, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.” In the end, God has control over everything. That fact has never changed. My problem is that I need to surrender control of my life and allow God to be my God.