Why do the race? Why leave all my pals for 9 months? Why take a year off from school? Why take the risk and stress over raising almost $16,000? Some people have asked me these questions but these are mostly questions that I ask myself. Why am I risking everything to leave the country for such a long time? To do what? I ask myself these questions out of doubt in the Lord, because I am scared of failure, scared of stepping out of my comfort zone. And you know what? God says to me “You will overcome by the blood of lamb and the word of your testimony.” This tells me that I can overcome my doubt and fear and anxiety, with the power and authority that the Lord has given me. Not the power and authority that I earned or found, I’m talking about the power and authority that was automatically mine when I decided to let God be my God and step into my role as a daughter of the most high king.

Heck. anywayyysss… What I am trying to say is that even when I doubt God and doubt myself, he shows me that he will prove me wrong every time. He is greater than my imperfections, he is greater than my test results on the enneagram (not trying to slam the enneagram, I am all for it <3).

God is cool because he didn’t consult me and ask me what would be reasonable to follow him. The kingdom would be non existent if God asked us to put it together. It would be chaos, there would be no heaven to bring. So as followers, as sons and daughters, we need to stop putting limits on the father and telling him we will only do a number of things he asks of us. We need to be all in. Which doesn’t mean we need to try and be perfect and try to do everything right, all we need to do is open our hearts and give space for the Lord to move. I love that because I am so stubborn sometimes, I get in my head so easily and knock myself down because I did something sinful, I can’t allow myself think that sin is greater than my relationship with the father. I cannot stress this enough, God is way more concerned with us experiencing his love than he is about us trying to make up for our sins. We were forgiven 2000 years ago because of the cross!! We become a master of sin when we let God heal us and let sin be the last of our thoughts. Which doesn’t mean we can run from consequences, I’m just saying, life gets better once we stop trying to identify ourselves by our sin, and start identifying ourselves by what God calls us by. That’s good, write that one down.

I titled this the Gr8 Comi$$ion because what I want people to know that what I just talked about is what I struggle with the most. I doubt, fear, and limit God. I identify myself by sin instead of what God calls me by sometimes. I let these things hold me back from what Matthew 28:19-20 tells me to do. But this blog is my promise to not only you, but to God that I will allow those exact struggles, to launch me forward to fulfilling what the calling that God has laid out for me. I want to use what I struggle with to connect and build relationships with others, showing people how the Lord overcame my sin and how he can overcome theirs. 

Matthew 28:19-20, “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” 

This is my calling, this is the church’s calling. I pray that this will be the generation of fulfilling the Lords will. so with that I would like to end with this quote, “I believe that in each generation God has called enough men and women to evangelize all the yet unreached tribes of the earth. It is not God who does not call. It is man who will not respond!”? Isobel Kuhn  

Woohoo!! Only a month until launch!! I am so excited and I am in need of your support! I still have a ways to go in fundraising and preparation of the race! I always need prayer and so does my team! If you would like to know more about the race or just about my heart for missions, feel free to contact me!!!