This blog is about what I am learning through a book I am currently reading, “Surrendered and Untamed”, it is such a good book everyone ever should read it. Something funny to me is that the two words “surrendered” and “untamed” do not typically go hand in hand together. The definition of surrender is to give up or hand over a person, right, or possession, typically on compulsion or demand; and the definition for the word untamed is not domesticated or otherwise controlled. Hmm. To me, being surrendered to something would keep me from being untamed. Right? Well in this great book I have found that When I am fully surrendered before the Lord, the most wild, untamable, curious, badass, and free part of me is at play. 

My friends were reading this book on buddhism, “The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying”,  just to study it and see how it compares to scripture and what not and I overheard them discuss the concept of surrender, and it gave me a whole new perspective on the word. It said, “Let’s try an experiment. Pick up a coin. Imagine that it represents the object at which you are grasping. Hold it tightly clutched in your fist and extend your arm, with the palm of your hand facing the ground. Now if you let go or relax your grip, you will lose what you are clinging onto. That’s why you hold on.

But there’s another possibility: You can let go and yet keep hold of it. With your arm still outstretched, turn your hand so that it faces the sky. Release your hand and the coin still rests on your open palm. You let go. And the coin is still yours, even with all this space around it, without grasping”. This is so cool to me because whatever I am trying to cling to it I am suffocating the object, forcing it to stay within my grip, this object could very well be, the future, a relationship, you can fill in the blank. But when we stop grasping said object, surrender it, it no longer becomes ours to cling to. it is surrendered to the Lord, yet the object is still in our hands. Wowza. 

Okay then that brings in the word untamed. I believe that the untamed parts of us are rooted from Gods character, he is the most untamed one out of all   of us. When we live in a posture of surrender, we become untamed, wild, and free. But I am very careful to not mix or tangle the words “freedom” and “rebellion”, I obviously believe that I am covered by the blood of Jesus and that my sins are forgiven, however, this does not entitle me to a sin free card. True freedom and living untamed is not “I can do whatever I want when I want no matter if it hurts me or others”. Im trying to live inside the freedom of not being bound by chains and living in the dark. I wish I desired that 2, 3, 4 years ago. I thought my “running days”, is what I call them, were days of “freedom”, that sis a big fat h*ll no. I have found true freedom in loving and serving others. I have found that I am called to live untamed, not even for just my sake but for the sake of others, that they might choose to step out of the worlds definition of freedom that brings chains and hurt and into a freedom of living in the light, no baggage, and no ties to any soul other than theirs. I heard a poem once that said, “They are free but choose to be slaves to the hurting, dirty, and dying”. Shoot. Am I willing to use my freedom to be a slave to those who need Jesus’s love the most? HECK YES. I think that is something I have always desired to see and be apart of but it didn’t become an actual reality until I stepped into this new kind of surrender, and lifestyle of being untamed. Being untamed in my book looks like walking boldly into any room knowing who I am and even greater than that, knowing who my God is, praying for healing, restoration, and freedom without a doubt in my mind that God will deliver. Living untamed and surrendered has been the most wild, fun, crazy thing I have ever stepped into, all I had to say was yes. It took me so long to get here too. I remember at the beginning of the race I had gotten a prophetic key necklace with the word “free” on it and I promise you the second I saw it I thought “absolutely not”. But I prayed a prayer with like 2% of faith, and here I am 7 months later high on the holy Spirit, wanting every person to live inside of this wild and untamed freedom that I would have never experienced without surrender. 

If this blog didn’t do it for ya Im not mad but you should listen to the song “free as a bird” by Rend collective, It has helped me feel the freedom I am living in. Thanks for reading. 🙂