Hello! Today marks a week of living in Costa Rica! I am so thankful to be here and so thankful for the people that got me here!! I am currently working in a children’s ministry/ feeding program. It is run by Bella Flor, a brave, God fearing woman who is only interested in glorifying the Lord by loving everyone around her. She leads us so well and encourages us to help cook, serve meals, teach english and math, and play jump rope and soccer non stop. It is tiring but it fills my spirit like no other. Our ministry is in in the slums of San Jose. Seeing the way Bella helps the community is so moving, she has us and the kids pick up trash and paint scripture on these rocks by the river, the community would be a completely different place without her. It is very special for me to take part in her ministry. I can’t wait to see how the Lord continues to change the community just out of her willingness to serve. It would be amazing to have some prayer warriors out there for her and her ministry! They feed so many children a day and can use all the help they can get! Feel free to contact me for specific things to pray for!!

As for everything else that has been happening… I live in a house with 50 people. It’s a wild time for sure. Sometimes it can be a little overwhelming but that’s to be expected. It is also so amazing because it is 50 people who love the Lord a lot. 50 people who are seeking the kingdom together and pushing each other closer to Jesus, whether that means Worship nights that make the room feel so thick with the Holy Spirit, or those special one on one moments in the backyard that are only filled with love and laughter. It is a new experience for me, I have never lived away from home until now, I really start to miss my family and friends and my dogs, But it always helps when you have the most loving people around you help you through it. Being in this new culture can be very hard, people stop and stare at us because we are white and don’t speak Spanish, I am getting used to people pointing and laughing because Jesus calls me to love those people too. However, mostly everyone we meet is so loving and kind. Like our cook Senya, she doesn’t speak english but she let’s us help out in the kitchen and shows us lots of love by laughing with us when we butcher the easiest of Spanish words. I am so thankful for where I am in my life right now, even when I miss home really bad I have to remember I am here with a purpose. I am here to be the hands and feet of Jesus and to love and serve everyone around me…and I live in Costa Rica how crazy is that??? So as the Costa Rican slogan would say… Pura Vida!! (pure life).


P.s. Mom, Pete, Kate, Olivia, Lily, Alex, Luke, Nana, Woka, Jacob, Skylar, Maddi, Carly, Katie… I miss you all so much and I can’t wait to get to talk to you more!! I Love you guys so much!!!