Hola Hola, today I really just want this blog to be about my personal relationship with the Lord. Ever since I left for the race I have been experiencing God in a way I never have before. For such a long time i viewed God as if he was so far away, i know he is everywhere at once but when I prayed I felt like my words were packaged up and sent away like snail mail. It wasn’t until I got on the race that i started learning more about intimacy with jesus and what that even looked like. The Lord has been showing me how present he is in my every step, every word, every breath. Every morning I ask the Lord to shut all voices out other than his own. I then just sit and wait for him to speak, sometimes it is just a feeling of his presence and other times I can hear him call me daughter or whisper something so kind and gentle. I have always looked at other peoples relationship with the lord and thought “I wish I had that” and as I am learning and growing into the person God created me to be, I have found that when you give God the time, he forms a very unique relationship with you that fits so perfectly with who you are. God has been showing me a part of my heart I didn’t know existed, the peaceful, calm, and gentle side of me that is also part of Gods character. He is so tender and loving and when he meets me where I am at, I leave feeling closer to him. I now am practicing walking in the spirit constantly, because I am falling in love with who Jesus is and I do not want to miss out on anything that he is doing in the kingdom. Everyday he has something new for me, everyday he shows me more of who he is… and it is so amazing because he doesn’t expect me to do anything. All he does is invite me in in the most kind and gentle way. I used to be so scared of saying yes to him. It’s like when you go to the pool and you don’t want to jump in because the water is super  cold but you see everyone else swimming having a grand time but you don’t want to be uncomfortable because the water is freezing… but when you finally jump in, you realize it was never that cold in the first place. and you have a great time with your pals. That is how it was for me when I was scared today yes to God, it looked dangerous and uncomfortable. But it isn’t until you finally say yes you realize that anything the Lord teaches you and shows you is far far greater than any comfort zone you have ever been in. If I had said no to the father I wouldn’t be in Costa Rica sharing the love of Jesus and seeing the spirit move in ways that I could have never imagined. My favorite part of the day is when we go to this older mans house after ministry and pray over him. He has cancer and a few people met him when we first started ministry and told us how swollen his feet were, how he couldn’t even open his eyes, he couldn’t even speak. Every time we see him he looks better and better. When we first started praying over him they told us he only had 2-3 months to live. Our hope and our prayer is that the cancer would be completely gone. If I hadn’t said yes to God I wouldn’t be able to watch this man get more and more healed each day. I wouldn’t get to be a prayer warrior along side some of the most brave girls I have ever met. God is so good. He shows me everyday that I have never locked eyes with someone who he didn’t love deeply. The race shows me that it is okay to get uncomfortable    because when we do, we get to be apart of something so amazing. I am growing more than I ever have before and It has been such an incredible experience. Which doesn’t mean that it isn’t hard at times. I really miss my family and friends but i just have to remember that being uncomfortable is absolutely necessary for growth. I am so excited to get back in 8 1/2 months from now and share all that the Lord has done!! I will be posting blogs once a week so make sure to keep up!!!