Hello everyone! I have exciting news to share with you!!! As of March 17th 2018, I have gained an incredible step father, Pete, and three step siblings, Luke, Lily, and Alex. It has been such a blessing to be a part of the making of a new family. 

When my mom and Pete met in 2015, I had learned that he’s a pilot, he’s bald, and he has three kids. I wasn’t sure what to expect because my mom had never been with anyone except my dad… I was unaware that Pete would be the miracle my family had been longing for. 

for a very long time I had been aching for a my dad to come save the day, to swoop me off my feet and protect me from all the scary parts of a reality I thought I was incapable of facing. I wanted so badly to be rescued by a father. It was an emptiness that consumed me and grabbed ahold of me. I had lost sight of my identity in Christ. My vision of hope and faith that was once clear had become blurry and I was unable to see the truth of who I was. I had shut down completely, I stopped chasing after my heavenly father. It was a miserable way of living. 

Then all of a sudden Pete stepped in… as I look back at him first entering into our lives, it reminds me of a blank canvas being transformed into a beautiful painting, bursting with life and bright colors. I had left my anxiety and brokenness in the past and allowed myself to enter into daughterhood. I learned that through Pete, my heavenly father could teach me to face my fears and step out of emptiness and into a new beginning. I was overcome with life and joy and a peace that had surpassed all understanding!

The Lord opened my eyes to see a new, more broadened image of who I am in his Kingdom, and through Pete he shifted my heart from hardened to overflowing with immense happiness and love. I literally could not contain my excitement!!! You would know, because if you are a person who often spends time with me, then you heard about Pete quite a bit. 

I am not the only one that was tremendously transformed by Pete entering into our lives, My mom found a love she had also been longing for… more than anyone, she deserved this victory. She found love when she allowed the Lord to guide her to it. What a beautiful thing God can do when you allow yourself to be taken over by the Joy of the Lord and the power of the Holy Spirit. 

With all of this being said… The World Race is getting closer and closer!!! As I sit here and freak out a little it about fundraising, I can’t help but realize the amazing ways the Lord has transformed us as a family. Without Pete, my mom, Kate, Olivia, Luke, Alex, and Lily I would not be where I am today. My heart longs to tell people about Jesus and how he has transformed my family and I. 

Like I said earlier… The World Race is getting closer and closer! If you wanna know more then text me! Email me! Call me! Let’s grab coffee! Jesus is so amazing and his love is so evident through community. I think that 2 John 1:12 says it best, “I have much to write to you, but I do not want to use paper and Ink. Instead, I hope to visit and talk with you face to face, so that our joy may be complete”. So let’s chat about the World Race and JESUS!!! 6 more months until launch people!!!

P.s. Thank you Peter Vega for everything you have done for me and my family.<3