*fundraising update* I need $1,878 by March 31 to stay on this journey! If you are able to donate please hit the donate button!!!


Sitting in a van heading back out to our “little house on the prairie” in Pasman Argentina listening to a song that had a verse that said “contemplating who I would have been turned out to be if i would have stayed” I began to think what would my life look like if I wouldn’t have come on the race? Before leaving for the race I knew something was missing I knew I liked my job and I liked my co workers, I liked my church, i liked my life. It wasn’t perfect and I wasn’t happy but I was content just doing day to day life. But God didn’t intend his children to just be content with life! 

Coming on the race has taught me that I have the gift of words I can tell people the hard things. I may still be learning to how speak those in a way that is more receptive but I learned that  I can use my words to lift people up, my words inspire people to go out and do what God has called them to do, live the life that God has called them to live. I can use those words to call people higher even when it’s hard to say what needs to be said.
I learned what community looks like. Man this has been a really big one!!! Back in Houston i have a church i have friends but i don’t have community! I don’t have people that are intentional and that push me to grow and step into the roles that God has called me to. Community is HUGE! Here i have learned what it looks like to step into a community and trust that when they say they are here for life that they mean it. To let people in, to be moldable, to walk along side someone, to be intentional myself. Taking peoples feedback and knowing that it’s coming from a place of love and not a place of hurt!!
I have learned what it looks like to love people I barely know and love them hard. To form relationships with them that will last a life time even when i am only with them for a short amount of time. I learned that just because you can’t speak the same language doesn’t mean you can’t connect. I learned that even if you are there for a short time your presence, your help, your enthusiasm means the word to the people you are helping! 
I have learned that there are things in my past that I need to be healed from. Things that i need to be more confident in and walk in freedom from those things. To trust myself just a little bit more and to know who I am called to be in Christ! 
The race is a place where I am growing where I am becoming more of the person Christ called me to be. Where I am learning who I am without people telling me who I am or putting expectations on me that I can’t obtain! The race changed me for the better and I wouldn’t change the decision to leave everything in Houston and go on this amazing adventure. it’s one of the best decisions I ever made!