Coming into India it was not a place i was looking forward to. Matter of fact it was probably the place I was dreading the most. I knew South America would be pretty similar to the US and I knew India would be the least like the US. It terrified me! That changed really fast! It took all of 2 days for me to fall in love and really enjoy India! Our second day here some squad mates and I went to the local mall to do a little shopping (you know style here is way diff we had to fit in) and every person we met put a smile on our faces. We laughed and just had a great time with the most loving people i have ever met. People here have less than we have but they will walk 20 min to the local store to get some thumbs up (Indian soda) or cold water bottle just so you have something cold to drink. In other words they will go out of their way to make sure you have the best! It gives you a whole new perspective on things. In America we tend to give people what we don’t want or whatever is left over, and we have abundantly more than most people here. It really opens up your eyes! As a team we enjoyed some time at the beach, met some Bollywood stars, went saree shopping, ate some of the most amazing food (i didn’t even question what i was eating, i just ate it! Impressive i know!!!) and got to see the true India Annnnnd I got to spend 5 days with my mom!!! She flew half way around the world to see me ansi couldn’t have picked a better country for her to experience than this one! As our time here is winding down my heart is breaking at the thought of leaving. I have a new love for this place, the people everything about India! On the up side I now have a whole new family here to visit in the years to come!