I didn’t think this day would hit me this hard. I’ve spent Mother’s days away from my mom before but there’s something different this year, something sadder about this year something that makes me appreciate this day even more! This year our family is mourning, it will be Blanes first Mother’s Day without his mom. My heart literally aches to be at home with my family to be there to support Blane to love on my mom but that’s not my reality. I have to love and support from the other side of the world. God knew this was how it was going to happen before I ever left. He didn’t bother to give me or my family that memo though! So I’m sittin in a cafe on the other side of the world about to love my mom the best way I know how being this far away… with my words! 

My mom Jenifer (with 1 N) what a powerhouse! Man I’ve learned endless lessons from my mom! She’s the most amazing woman I know, hands down. I think back to when I was little and think how the things she did as a single mom at 23 I couldn’t even begin to fathom. My mom had me when she was 20 about to turn 21. She moved to Texas when I was 3. She packed our stuff in a car and drove 14 hours to Houston (I’m guessing that’s where we first landed lol) how many single moms would pick up and leave everything including all of the family they have ever known at 23 years old to go somewhere they knew maybe 5 ppl. It was a bold move. That’s my mom though she’s never let fear stand in her way she sees what she wants and she runs after it full force and fearlessly! That’s just one instance I’ve watched my mom do this time and time again when it came to jobs when it came to providing for my brother and I whatever it was once she sets her mind to it, it’s gonna get done! My mom was struggling financially at one point my freshman year of college, and I had just really started showing an interest in church and Christian music and Toby Mac was coming to town. Now my mom and brother had been jammin tmac long before I was but my mom bought 2 tickets for my brother and i to go to this concert. Investing in my faith putting herself aside to better her children’s life to make an investment in something so tiny as a concert just trying to get me to fall in love with God they way she did. (Music is the way to my heart) I’ll never forget that night, Peyton’s dad let us drive his fancy car (we thought we were so cool) mom bought us these tickets Peyton’s step mom made us dinner and off to the concert we went. (Peyton’s dad lived in the same city the concert was so we stayed there that night)  My brother and I had a great night together that night. I could literally give u a million examples of how selfless my mom is! She definitely didn’t have it easy raising 2 kids most of the time as a single mother. But I had everything I needed and most of the things I wanted. My mom worked multiple jobs to make sure my cows and horses were fed I had money for entry fees Peyton had money for baseball, karate and football, the bills were paid we had a roof over our heads and food on the table! We never knew how hard things were on our mom. She never made us feel bad for wanting the world. She went out worked her butt off so we could enjoy life! When it came to my faith my mom never forced me to go to church. And i tell everyone this, that’s a huge reason i am a Christian today. My mom let my faith become my own from day 1. It was never forced on me, and if it would have been i wouldn’t be a Christian at all. She guided me and loved me all the way to where i am. She pushed me when i needed it, encouraged me to go big, never told me i couldn’t do anything but helped me get what i was working for. 
That’s a small taste of what kind of woman my mother is and the woman I hope I can live up to one day. I love my mom so very much and wish I could be with her today but this will have to do till August when I can go home!