As I mentioned in my About Me, in the recent past I was conflicted about going to college. I felt as if I was not ready for that commitment quite yet, so I started looking into alternatives. One of my teachers suggested taking a gap year. We looked at some programs but they were not the right fit for me. Then, someone in my church group suggested that I should look into the World Race. That night I went on to the World Race website. Instantly I was hooked. I could not sleep because of my excitement and I filled out the entire application that night.

In the following days I really prayed about if the World Race was just my passion or if it was God’s calling. I mentioned that I had applied to the World Race to one of my teachers and she got super excited. She said she knew someone who had been on the Race before named Hannah and that she would arrange a time for me to talk to her. This connection was just what I needed. I felt God was giving me a sign that I was on the right track. I met with Hannah and she shared some of her experiences with the Race. She really encouraged me and I felt God leading me even stronger towards the Race.

A week after my meeting with Hannah I had my interview for the World Race. Before the interview began, I spent time praying. I knew that God would make a way for me to go if that was His plan. At the end of my interview I was told I got accepted into the World Race! I was so excited! I was literally running around my house as I called my family to tell them the news. This was a huge contrast to looking at colleges and feeling dread about the future. I knew that God had and still has me. 

So, to sum everything up, I am not going on the Race simple because I want to. I am going for it because God has proven to me this is what His plan for me is. I’m excited to be apart of the amazing adventure God has called me to!