My Sweet Sister,

Wow. You welcomed me into your country with the kindest eyes and warmest smile. Did I forget to thank you for that? If so, I want to thank you now for making me feel at home here in Malaysia. Our time together was barely enough to brush the surface of our hearts and lives, but I want you to know how grateful I am for those hours/minutes we had together. I wouldn’t trade our conversations for anything. That being said, time has a way of sneaking past us, and I’m leaving Malaysia tonight with a backpack full of sweet memories and hopes of returning one day.

If we could have one more conversation, this is what I’d want you to know …

You are seen, you are known and you are valued. You? Yeah, you. Girl, you are BEAUTIFUL inside and out! Please carry this truth around with you everywhere you go. Sometimes it’s easy to feel invisible, like people don’t see you, but that’s a lie. You are seen! I am thankful that your beautiful face was in front of my eyes, and I’m forever grateful that I got to know your beautiful heart. Everyone in this world would be better off if they could see you and know you too. Do you believe that you are valued? Do you know that you are worthy of being seen, known and loved? Well you are. Do not let anything or anyone tell you otherwise. Ever.

You are free. Sometimes life is tough, and it’s easy to feel like we’re stuck. Stuck in our day-to-day routine, stuck in our studies, stuck at our job, stuck in relationships, stuck in a town, etc. Well I’m here to tell you that you are never stuck, and it is never too late to change your circumstance. Freedom is at your fingertips and it’s yours any time you want to pick it up. Be free.

Sister, you are LOVED. As much as I love you, I know that God loves you even more. Do you believe that? When you look in the mirror, do you see the beautiful young woman that He sees? He absolutely adores you. There’s nothing you can do to make Him love you more, and there’s nothing you can do to make Him love you less. His love for you is perfect, and it’s unchanging. And He pours out His love on you every single day of your life.

You are a dreamer. You have dreams deep in your heart – do not ignore them! I hope and pray that you dare to dream. Think about these things – what are you passionate about? What do you want to change in the world? What impact do you want to make with the time you have? What inspires you? What do you want to be when you grow up? The answers to these questions will help you realize your dreams. I want to challenge you to go beyond just thinking about your dreams – chase them! Please don’t settle for “good enough,” you are worthy of the absolute best. Now go live like it!

Find your voice. Your words are worth being said, and your story is worth being told. Use your voice to speak life and empower people around you. I believe that your voice will change the world. Be fearlessly you, and be confident.

I will always thank God for you, and I will never stop praying for you.

Your Sister,
