Hi everyone! 

I’ve been here in Ecuador for officially 2 months, and wow has a lot happened. The first week we got to Quito we stayed at a base run by an organization called Inka Link. The World Race partners with this organization, and the couple that runs that base, Fabi and Mabe, look over us during our time there. After our week at their house, we went to do mission work at a Christian organization called Dunamis for our first month. This is an organization that provides housing and an education for girls under the age of 18 who have experienced sexual abuse or have been sold into sex trafficking. After the police either rescue them from their household or from a brothel, they send them to Dunamis or another similar place until they become an adult. At that ministry, we worked in their greenhouse taking care of tomato plants and on their construction project, which will be a house for future volunteers. After our wonderful month there, we went back to Fabi and Mabe’s house for a week to rest and process what happened over our first month. After that, we went to our next ministry site called El Refugio. This is a Christian retreat camp that works to connect groups of people with each other as well as connecting them to God through nature. I have been here for about two weeks, and it is one of the most beautiful places I’ve ever been. We have been doing manual labor here working on construction projects as well as clearing the trails on their 300-acre property. 


Here is a video that shows you one second of each day between January 2nd and February 16th. One of the habits I’m practicing here is not being on my phone a lot and even some days not using it at all, so because of that, I did not continue past February 16th. I hope you enjoy it and can get a glimpse of my life here! I posted the video on Youtube, so you can click the link below to see it!

Click here for the video!


Thanks for reading! Love, Abby

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