I have come to the conclusion. One that many before me have already learned and come to and told me about, but one that I needed to experience and learn for myself. The conclusion I’m talking about is not one we can physically see, but instead one that comes and speaks to the heart.
the power in the name of JESUS.
just a word but it holds so much. A name- one that can sometimes be more hidden in the shadow of God, the Father, Lord, Savior, ect. We know that Jesus is God too. And that’s part of the beauty in his name.
Jesus is God come to earth. Jesus knows what it’s like to laugh, dance, weep and mourn. Jesus is true God and true man.
The name of Jesus brings a sense of familiarity. When we follow God‘s will, we are in a sense doing our best to walk in His shoes- because He literally walked the earth. The name of Jesus is one of a friend, a comforter, a guide.
And in all of this- it holds such power! The devil literally flees at the sound of his name. Just go back through the Bible- disciples cast out demons and cured the sick in His name.
jesus! -and the lame could walk (Acts 3:6).
jesus! -and the blind could see (Acts 9:17-18).
jesus! -and the dead breathed again (Acts 9:39-42).
At the name of Jesus, knees shall bend. At His name, dark is brought to light, peace brought to despair.
And in the business of life- jesus. It’s so small, seems so insignificant- just another word to that rolls off the tongue. But the weight and power in the word, that flow from it, is not always seen. It is so easy to become swept into a busy work day or long, brain dead day at school- to come home to more work! But just uttering the name Jesus can so easily clear away the frustration, overwhelmingness and despair that permeate our mood. Don’t be afraid to repeat his name over and over because with each “Jesus”- our heart is lifted.
Jesus. Jesus. Jesus.
Wishing you all a blessed holiday season as we joyfully await Jesus’ coming at Christmas!
In Christ,