Three days ago I got home from a ten day training camp in Gainesville, Georgia. We lived in tents the nights we didn’t have field scenarios, which consisted of layovers, community tents, and “losing” our bags. We ate meals from other countries community style, a lot of times with our hands. We showered with buckets and used port-a-potties that filled up way too quickly. And although all that was more than memorable, the best parts were the intimate moments with God.
We sat in sessions every day, broadening our perspectives on God and the different ways He moves. We learned about different world religions and spiritual pathways. We were even taught the basics of the Old Testament in 40 simple motions. There’s one thing that stood out the most though.
God speaks to me. Before this week, if you would’ve asked me if I knew, for a fact, that I had heard from God before, I probably would’ve hesitated to say yes because, to be honest, I had no idea if I had ever heard God’s voice or if it was just me. I couldn’t tell the difference.
A session this week focused on prophecy, so we got in our teams and simply asked to hear only God’s voice, not ours. This could be through visions, colors, songs, scriptures, really anything. We closed our eyes and someone was chosen to receive the words as we spoke out what we saw. But we had no idea who it was. So we were just seeing and hearing things from God, things that really had no great significance to us, but to the person receiving it, some of them were so powerful. When we opened our eyes, we would see who it was, and they would share things that really meant something to them. God spoke through us. Visions that seemed weird to us brought them back to their childhood or to things they had prayed about. It was nothing we did, we simply just asked God to do. And He did.
And He does. God is so good y’all. He is so, so good. And I am so thrilled that He brought me to this place, that He chose this trip for me, these people to be in my life, and these experiences to help mold me. I am blessed.