9. 15. 19


“for from you are all things, and to you are all things; you deserve the glory!!” -worthy of it all


hello!! i hope things are good where you all are!! quito is amazing!! i can see God moving here and i’m so excited to continue to see what is to come!!




this week our team all shared our testimonies and it was an amazing opportunity to come together in that way!! we got to know each other much better and i can see unity still coming together more and more every day!!




please be praying for me as well as several others on our team who are currently not feeling very good:(( please pray for health and stamina to continue to be able to serve!! 




Pan de Vida was the ministry we were partnered with for the first week in ecuador!! they have several local ministries including a school supplies program, a feeding program, a program for venezuelan refugees, and other local ministries in quito!! every sunday and wednesday they have big outreach days where they invite people in for a sermon, worship, and a meal as well as a time to fellowship!! last sunday was the first outreach day back since the weeklong break they had. 5 people came to salvation in Christ (praise the Lord!!) and about 300 people were fed!! we serve a God that is so good!! i worked in the children’s ministry and got to fellowship with them and get to know them a little better and love on them!! on other days while they were meeting with people to serve our team was able to help clean and work on a big mural outside!! we spelled out “pan de vida” and used footprints to lead from puzzle piece to puzzle piece to resemble how we walk by faith, not by sight; and how we follow where the Lord leads!! i loved my time at pan de vida and it will always have a piece of my heart!! half of our team stayed there and half of us went to another organization called camp hope!!




i went to camp hope which is an organization that works with people with disabilities. they have various ages from 2 years old to adults!! they are divided into different rooms based on age and physical ability. camp hope serves by providing physical therapy with volunteer nurses, crafts, stimulation therapy, meals and snacks, and exercise!! the camp runs 8am-4pm everyday! i have been in the amor (love) room which serves the younger children! we have from ages 2 to 12!! these precious little babies are so loved by staff and volunteers there!!


camp hope definitely challenges me. it pushes me past any sort of comfort i’m used too. it’s only been 3 days there but alive already felt a variety of emotions. from feeling empty- like i have nothing physically or emotionally left to give- to being filled to the brim with joy and love to give to God’s people!! it’s definitely been a struggle at times though and prayers are always appreciated!! there is so much hurt and pain there that i want to just immediately fix but i can’t. however in the midst of it these babies always seem to have smiles of joy!! it breaks my heart to see these innocent children, so young, dealing with this and knowing that there will be some things they can’t do. but i know God has a plan and will use these precious children and they are a part of his plan and he’s not finished yet!! all i may seem to have at times to hold onto is hope and faith-hope that God will work a miracle in them and bring healing and faith that even if he doesn’t he is still good- and i know he is faithful!! his ways are higher than mine and he is still in control. i see so much beauty in the people there and i know God does too!! we serve a faithful God who apart from whom, we have no good thing; but with him we will not be shaken!! SHOW ME THE WONDERS OF YOUR LOVE GOD!! 




“for if everything exists to lift you high, so will i”


on our off day this week we went to an old volcano-turned-lake called quilatoa!! it is a place where you can truly see the evidence of God in creation!! we got the opportunity to process our week by kayaking in the lake and taking in the beauty of creation!! 


please continue to pray for my team!! please pray for opportunities to always be ministering and to live out the motto “life is missions and missions is life!” please pray for health and safety and well as Gods will to be done!! also for nothing to hinder us from sharing the gospel!! 


thank you all so much for your prayers and support so far!! i love you all!! 


“may the Lord bless you and keep you; may the Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; may the Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace.” 

-numbers 6:24-26