One of the last things me and my team did in Ukraine was run an English camp for the students we’ve been teaching and getting to know for the past couple weeks. For 2 days we stayed at a camp, and we had a great time teaching and having fun together. Take a look below at some of the things we did!

Starting off the day with morning stretch

Me and my team leading worship via lyrics on our phones. The power kept going out so we had to improvise; our phone flashlights also became very useful at night.

Me and Connor playing 20 questions with our class of Ukrainian teens.

Our class reading the Bible story for the day. This day we taught them about the death and resurrection of Jesus.

We had different master classes throughout the weekend in which we taught our students different skills. Two of these classes were watercolor painting and American swing dance.

One night for our all camp game we played minute to win it. This involved many M&M’s and Oreos.

Another night we played a photo scavenger hunt. One of the things on the list they were supposed to take a picture of was a selfie with each American. We each found a place to hide around the camp.

Overall the weekend went really well! I had the chance to share my testimony, teach English, and make some great connections with the Ukrainians! Next stop Chile!
Also, I’m still working on fundraising; I need about $3,000 by the end of December to stay on the field. Please consider partnering with my financially so I can keep spreading the name of Jesus to the nations. Literally any amount helps! I appreciate all your prayers and support! God bless!