Ever since I came to know my Jesus, I’ve felt a call in my heart to do mission work overseas. Over the years, I have been blessed with a couple of opportunities to travel internationally and get a small taste of missionary life. Each trip was incredible and left lasting impacts on my heart. Seeing faces and eyes light up at the name of Jesus is incredible anywhere, but there’s something special about seeing it in a foreign place, with someone who doesn’t speak your language. My Jesus is so much bigger than language barriers and oceans that divide. Seeing Him work in the lives of people is my passion, and I have dedicated my life to being His hands and feet wherever I’m at.
I have felt called to do the World Race ever since I heard about it in high school. Everyone who knows me would probably not categorize me as a patient person, so once I heard about it, all I wanted to do was apply right then and there, pack my bags, and go. But as I prayed over the Race, I just felt the Lord saying, “Wait.” Everything in me wanted to give in to my flesh. I wanted to say, “No, I’m going to do this on my time, when I want.” But the people around me encouraged me to be obedient to The Lord and wait. For almost 4 years now, I have been praying and waiting and Jesus finally said, “GO!” This opportunity is incredible, and one that I’ve been waiting for for what seems like forever. To say that I’m excited would be an understatement.